Chapter 15 - Grandmother

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Emma's P.O.V

I was seated on a soft black leather sofa inside the room Sera and I would be sharing while we stayed here. It had been a few hours since she had attacked her father. She sat next to me with a smug smile. I was still in shock that she had hit him. Part of me was grateful she stood up to protect me, even though I knew he would not have harmed me physically. The other part of me thought it was a little out of line on her part. Regardless his shocked facial expression was kind of worth it. I glanced around our new room. It felt brand new. That may have been from the smells of freshly built wooden furniture. Honestly, I wouldn't even call this a room, it was so large. It was like having an apartment. We had separate bedrooms, each with a queen-sized with extra fluffy blankets and pillows. A bathroom with the largest shower I had ever seen, it had 4 different shower heads that could be rotated. I was so excited to use it. Where we were sitting was like a small little lounge-like area. The couch faced a balcony that was separated by French glass doors. From here we could see the surrounding forestry and the hint of a bright blue lake in the distance poking through the greenery. I stretched out on the comfortable lounge, debating having a nap. I could get used to this.

Sera's stomach growled in hunger, I let out a giggle sitting back up.

"Does your stomach have to be so loud?"

Sera looked at me pretending to be hurt by my words.

"Not everyone is a perfect princess ya know!"

She smiled brightly before she started to tickle me, only stopping once I got a good kick in her leg.

"Ouch! EmEm that really hurt!"

Sera was still smiling, teasing me. I slapped her arm.

"Don't be so mean, you know I don't have muscles like you!"

"Well, if you actually came hunting with me once in a while you would!"

I rolled my eyes at her, she knew full well I hated anything to do killing, even if it was necessary to eat. She ignored me slapping her hands together in anticipation.

"Let's go find the kitchen in this place, I am starving."

I nodded before a feeling of dread came over me, what if we ran into more wolves? Would they hate me too? They probably would not do anything in front of Sera after this morning but would that be better? To have people be fake nice to me? Sera looked at me with concern opening her mouth to speak before I shook my head.

"I'm okay, just nervous"

"I won't let anything happen to you. You know that right?"

I smiled at her as best I could, trying to hide my fear. I didn't want her to worry, to be around me 24/7. We were here to help Sera become a full wolf. Not here for me. I needed to be strong for her, to stand up for myself. I couldn't rely on her forever. What about when she finds someone to love? She wouldn't take me with her. Well, she would. I wouldn't want her to. She deserved happiness. I stood, grabbing Sera's hand tightly.

"I know."

She looked at me curiously, I needed to work on my poker face.

"Come on, let's go already. Before your stomach screams again."

Sera smiled taking the lead out to a foyer, this place was not like home. The outside looked like a mansion but the inside resembled more of a hotel. We walked down the long hallway passing about 20 other rooms before the smell of freshly baked bread hit my nose. We followed the smell to a large wooden door that looked much older than the rooms we had passed, opening it we were greeted by an enormous kitchen. I stood and gawked around the room. Pots and pans were scattered around hanging from the roof. Heaps of industrial ovens lined the back of the room, with a double door fridge separating them from some long sinks. A rather large woman stood hovering over one of the ovens with her back turned to us. She had her chocolate brown hair tied back into a tight bun masking its length. The door behind us slammed shut making her jump before looking back towards us.

"Ah! Children!"

She pulled a rather large grin, but it wasn't menacing. Her face was slightly wrinkled with years of laughter making that grin seem playful.

"Sorry to disturb you, Miss..."

I started to speak but my voice was high and mousey wondering if she too would react poorly to my very presence. She waked up closer to us, pulling out a pair of thick glasses.

"It is quite alright my dears, you just gave me a bit of a scare."

She chuckled as she took a better look at us, her eyes were magnified showing the most precious color of hazel. I bit my lip nervously waiting for her face to change, for her to say something cruel. Sera gripped my hand tighter feeling my fear.

"Ah, you must be Emma"

The old woman smiled warmly at me, my fear immediately disappeared as I felt my chest relax.

"And you!?"

She looked at Sera, with a look I could only describe as disappointment which surprised me.

"You must be the Alpha's daughter. What was your name again?"

I felt Sera's grip change from comfort to anger.

"Excuse me? What did I do??"

I watched as the old woman bent closer to Sera a look of disgust evident in her eyes.

"You were born."

With that, she turned and left the kitchen. I looked to Sera confused at that reaction, Sera looked pissed off.

"What the hell?"

She muttered before turning to leave.

"Wait! Sera? Where are you going?"

She looked at me pained, debating her next action before sighing and returning to my side.

"Nowhere. Let's get something to eat."

I sighed relieved that she wasn't leaving me alone. Yet confused, I expected disgust or anger to be directed at me but why was that woman mad at Sera? Maybe because she had harmed the Alpha? No. She said it was because she was born?

"They have cake in here!"

Sera excitedly called to me from one of the many fridges pulling out a dark chocolate forest cake. I tracked down some plates and hastily grabbed a large slice. Probably not the best idea for lunch but man, I loved cake.

"Sera, aren't you going to eat something?"

I asked her noticing her empty plate. She sighed before smiling at me.

"Lost my appetite."

Frowning at her I glanced back to the door the old woman had left from.

"Was it her?"

Sera sighed, I could see she was debating opening up to me which gave me a small amount of frustration. I was sick of the people I called family hiding things from me. My patience was wearing thin.

"Fine. Don't tell me."

I looked down at my half-eaten cake, too upset now to finish it.

"I want to shower."

Sera stayed silent as I cleaned off my plate before rinsing it and leaving it to dry on the dish rack. She opened the door for me and as we were walking back to the room she spoke.

"Listen, Emma. I don't like this. I don't know what to expect here."

I looked up at her, her face for once was completely open. I could see her fear, confusion, and regret.

"I never wanted to keep secrets from you, I just didn't know how to tell you."

She sighed as I bit my lips anxiously. I knew deep down that she was saying the truth but I was still hurt.

"It's okay. I get it."

My voice came out quiet, trying to reassure her. Sera looked into my eyes searching for something. After a while, she smiled then blinked, before returning to her normal self.

"Speaking of things I have not told you... last night when mum was yelling at me, it was because I was with a totally hot guy"

I gasped, excited. I had completely forgotten with everything else going on.

"Tell. Me. Everything."

I demanded as Sera giggled before describing the events with this mysterious Damon.

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