Part 7

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        It's been hours of nothing but smooth sailing. At least you wish that's how things were going. While you had been out here for hours (tied to the most uncomfortable wooden post ever), it's been anything but smooth sailing. The wind had picked up and the boat was swaying rather unpleasently, not to mention these heathens haven't even brought you anything to eat, and you're pretty sure it's about to start raining. "This could not get any worse." You sigh heavily. From above you can hear some ropes straining, when you look up you notice a pirate climbing down from the crows nest. "Hey!," you start shouting when he reaches the deck, "could you people at least feed me?" All you get in return is a brief grunt before he disapears below deck. 
        A few moments later he returns with the captain. Arthur proceeds to take out a telescope and move to the railing away from your vision. "False alarm Berwald." You hear footsteps approach you, "How's it going princess?"
        "Well since you ask, I have to say you're quite the terrible host." You roll your eyes in response.
        "Forgive me if you're not my main concern at the moment," he bows in a mocking way, "but how my I be of service?"
        "You could start by getting me some food. Or untying me, or telling me why you kidnapped me, or-," he lets out a chuckle interrupting your requests
        "You do realize that you are my prisoner, but the food thing is reasonable." He agrees then swiftly returns below deck, only to arrive a few moments later with a plate of food. It appears to be some kind of soup? Maybe some noodles? Whatever it is it looks and smells atrocious.
        "Who made that? It looks horrid." You scrunch up your nose in disgust.
        "I'll have you know I prepared it myself!" Replied the captian with, huge might I add, arched eye brows.
        "Calm down captain caterpillar brows. I'll still eat it I'm dying of hunger."
        "You know, I don't think you'd appriciate my fine cooking abilities, and I don't approve of that name, I am Captain Arthur Kirkland, and you will address me as such!" And with that he stormed off.

        "Jeeze who peed in his apple sauce?" You questioned, you were both amused at his outburst, yet disapointed in the lack of food. Berwald, or so you assume, handed you a piece of bread, to which you raised an eyebrow. "Thank you, but I'm afraid I can't take it with my hands tied behind my back." And with, what you guess to be his unwillingness to untie you, and a small groan he broke appart the bread and fed it to you in silence. Though you don't know why he had bread with him, it's as though he knew Arthur would leave you without anything, or maybe his cooking is actually as terrible as it looks.

~Time Skip~
        The next few hours had passed in silence, whoever is up in the crow's nest has fallen asleep, because you can here a snore in the distance. Infact you were pretty sure everyone had fallen asleep, so you decided that you could relax now. You sighed and removed your wrists fairly easily from the ropes. Out of the corner of your eye you noticed a light.
        "What in the world?" Through the fog a ship emerged from a slight distance. From the looks of it another pirate ship. For a moment you're unsure if you should alert the captain, or allow things to run their course. But that moment quickly turns into certainty, these people did kidnap you.
        "I guess this could be fun." You slightly smirk to yourself, it was a small chance that the ship would be invaded but a chance none the less. A chance for you to show off your skills with a sword that is.

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