part 10

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"What exactly is going to go you're way?" Captain eyebrows questioned. You smiled slowly,
   "It's quite simple actually, I am going to challenge the captain of this ship to a duel first thing tomorrow morning. And once I win he'll have no choice but to relinquish the command of this ship to me. Thus giving me the authority to free any prisoners aboard."  You finished with your hands positioned proudly at your hips. Arthur deadpanned,
   "You're bloody kidding me right?" You crossed your arms across your chest and replied,
   "Does it look like I'm kidding?" With that he burst into laughter.
   "You actually think you, an untrained, inexperienced princess can fight a pirate captain? That is absolutely ludicrous." Arthur doubled over clutching his stomach attempting to catch his breath. Your eye twitched with annoyance,
   "I'll have you know I am not untrained," you balled your hands into fists, "I'll show you. You pluck project excuse for a pirate." And with that you stormed up the stairs leaving the captain and his crew behind.
   ~side p.o.v.~ 

  "Way to go captain, now we have to rely on her winning." Al reprimanded
   "Shut up Alfred," the captain realized his own stupidity, perhaps he shouldn't have belittled the princess. Then something dawned on him , "What does 'pluck project' mean?"
 "I believe it was another nickname for your abnormally large eyebrows sir."

~Normal p.o.v.~
"I'll show him, stupid pirate thinking I'm too weak" you were steaming with anger and mumbling to yourself as you boldly walked across the ship all the way to the captains cabin. Once you arrived at the door you reached for the handle and hesitated... eyebrows wasn't entirely wrong, while you may have some training, you did lack experience. You've never dueled anyone, and most of what you know is self-taught. 'Maybe I should just release the captain and his crew.' you thought to yourself. 'No, I have to prove myself. I have to do this.' with a deep breath you turned the handle and opened the door. There you saw, what you assumed to be, the average pirate captains room, with an average looking sleeping pirate lying in overly fluffy sheets. You took another deep breath and drew your sword, slowly walking to the sleeping man and pointing the blade towards his throat. You gave a quick sharp whistle, and that was enough to wake him.
   "Oi! What the 'ell is this??" The man shrieked. You grinned, 
   "Probably not exactly what it looks like."
   "Explain yourself! Do you know who I am?" you rolled your eyes at the mans pushy demands.
   "No, and I don't particularly care. However, I am here to challenge you to a duel for the command of your ship." The man looked dumbfounded for a moment but quickly regained composure.
   "Very well, I shall humor your request for a duel, now if you'll allow me to dress and ready my blade." you furrowed your brows and responded
   "There's no time for that get your blade and lets go." The man complied and with that you were off to the top deck to begin your duel.

  Once there you positioned yourself to attack, but the man interrupted you, "Before we begin, what do I get when I beat you? After all your actions cannot go unpunished." You stared at him blankly, "No ideas? Fine, how about, if I win... you become my slave and personal whore." You cringed at the thought of this man even laying a finger on you, still though you don't have a choice. 
   "Tch. Fine, that's not a problem, since I won't be losing."
   "My, my, aren't you a cocky young lady. I look forward to breaking you." Without warning he charged forward, blade out in front of him and ready to kill. For a moment you were shocked, he moved with such speed, but you snapped out of it and side-stepped just in time to miss his deadly move. You spun around to look at your opponent, you were met with another image of steel charging toward your face. You instinctively arched backward and moved into a flip, your foot connecting with his chin. He stumbled backward, caught off guard by your reflexes. "Well, I guess you've got more going on than I thought." With that he was once again charging for you, but this time you were ready, you moved your blade to block his and they connected with a glorious clashing sound. Over, and over your blades met, leaving the sound of metal ringing in your ears. Each strike of your blades brought on-lookers from his crew. Soon you were standing a few feet away from each other, each of you out of breath.
   "Why don't we call this a draw?" This captain inquired, you tightened you grip around the hilt of your sword,
   "Not a chance," now it was your turn to catch him off guard. This time you were the one to charge in without warning. Your blade was lowered to your side, you closed in on him and swiftly swung upward aiming for the hand that possessed the mans sword.

~Arthur's p.o.v.~
"AhhhhHhHhHHhhh!." I was startled from my slumber by screams of unknown origin, I looked around the cell to make sure that all of my crew was accounted for. 
  "Arthur did you hear that?" I looked at Al and noticed the confusion in his eyes.
  " Yes, I wonder what that was... it didn't sound like the princess." I responded.
  "Do you think that she actually beat the captain of this ship?" I exchanged a glance with him, and we both started laughing. "You're right there's no way, she probably just screwed things up more for us." I was about to agree when I heard footsteps approaching from upstairs. It was one of the crewman of this ship. He looked absolutely mortified, and to my surprise his shaking hands opened our cell. He mumbled something along the lines of ' you're free to go'

~Normal p.o.v.~
   'Holy shit' you gaped at yourself 'holy shit, I won. I actually won.'


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2016 ⏰

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