Part 6 1/2

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      "Listen up ladies and gentlemen, I have no intention of harming any of you," the captain begins to speak, "however, unless I get what I want, I am willing to change that." He finished with a smirk.

      "And what exactly do you want, pirate scum." Spat the king from his position below the captain.

      "Excuse me? I really don't think you're in a position to speak to me that way," the captain snarled pushing  his gun closer to the king. "but since you asked." He looked back up to adress the whole room, "the princess. Turn her over, or have her turn herself in, and no one shall come to harm." There was a collective gasp from the room and you stood still in the shadows. Not out of shock, as you knew this is what he wanted, but in contemplation. This really was your chance for adventure, but what did he want? He probably didn't want to kill you, I mean, you'd be dead already right? So what is it? Slavery? Did he want to sell you off as a whore? You sighed. Your only real option was to go with him, there's no doubt he'd send heads rolling if you didn't. You could try to run, but what's the point, it's just another road to uncertainty. At least with him you'd get to see the ocean for a bit.

      You started to walk towards him, heels clicking against the ballroom floor, heads turning towards the only sound in the room.

      "You've made the right decision princess, cease her." The captain smirked at you from his place by the king and queen. You made no move as a man with dirty blond hair and glasses approached you and tied your hands behind your back. "Now that we have what we want, we'll be taking our leave. Lets go boys." The man who tied you up held a knife up to your throat,

      "Sorry about this, but it's the only way we can get out of here without the guards rushing us. And that's so not cool." You rolled your eyes, he's right, but what kind of pirate says cool? The captain in his crew made their way to the exit while your captor held you a knife point in the same position. Once everyone was out the doors the man slowly backed out, and once you were out he picked you up and slung you over his shoulder. "Man you're heavy." He complained.

      This irked you a little, "It's not my fault you're weak."

      "Hey! I'm the strongest hero there is, it's not my fault you're fat." At this point you did the only thing you could, you opened your mouth and bit the bastard as hard as you could. You certainly were not fat, especially with this blasted corset on. He was about to say something but the captain appeared next to you.

      "That's enough Al, fat or not, that's no way to talk to a lady."

      "But she bit me!" This man called Al has no manners at all, the captain on the other hand....what an awkward pirate. At any rate,

     "I am not fat!" At this point you started to flail around a bit.

      "Stop moving around, you're too heavy I'm gonna drop you!" You remembered the sword strapped to your waist, that must be it so you sighed and stopped.

      "You could just put me down, it's not like I'd try anything." The captain spoke up,

      "No can do princess, besides were almost to the ship." You noticed the ground beneath you had changed to planks of wood. The dock. You sighed yet again,

      "Annoying pirates." The captain heard this and chuckled,

      "Says the princess who hasn't stopped complaining since she was kidnapped."

      "Excuse me? I have not complained once, and even if I have been, I have a right. You did just kidnap me." The captain was silent, as though he were considering something, Al decided to speak up,

      "You know she's right, she may be heavy, but she hasn't complained."

      "You know, you're right. How unusual. She's been unnaturally compliant." The captain replied, "At any rate, tie her to the mainmast." You had realized you were on the ship and now you were being placed on the floor against the, what you assumed to be, the mast. Al securely tied you to it, or what he assumed was secure.

      "There nice and snug, the names Alfred by the way, but everyone calls me Al."

      "I would say pleasure to meet you, but it's been anything but." You rolled your eyes.

      "Fair enough, we did just kidnap you." He was about to walk away but you stopped him

      "Hey, what's the captain's name?"

      "Arthur, captain Arthur Kirkland. The baddest, most rad pirate to ever roam the seas" ((Al invented the word rad I guess)) your eyes widened, of course you'd heard of the most infamous pirate captain in the world, but what did he want with you?

«The next part. I don't reread things so I don't even remember most of what I just wrote so feel free to point out any flaws xD. Aside from Al being grown up n having modern talk. Enjoy. Also part 6 1/2 because the last was so short»

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