Part 1

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            The familiar wind rushed passed you as you ran through the forest. “I’m going to be late again if I don’t hurry” you thought aloud. You had yet another dress fitting to attend, and when Jasmine saw your current condition, well let’s just say you’d never hear the end of it. You paused for a quick breath when you reached the edge of the forest, and looked at yourself. Your hunting pants had a large hole in the right knee and mud covering a large portion of the entire garment. Your dark green blouse was also covered in mud and leaves from when you tripped and fell while chasing a deer you accidently injured.You’ll have to remind yourself to check the area for life before you attempt shooting practice. “Crap!” You noticed that your bow was missing and gave an upset sigh. ”I guess I’ll have to retrieve it later.”

                You continued running back to your home until you reached the back entrance, where Jasmine was standing with an obvious look of annoyance. “Where on Earth have you been? Do you have any idea what time it is? You needed to be here half an hour ago!”

                “Uh, yeah. Sorry I got kind of… wrapped up in something.” You sheepishly replied

                “And look at your clothes!  Lady in waiting or not, I shouldn’t have to deal with this almost every day! Get on to your room right now. We need to get you cleaned up for the dress fitting.” Without a chance to reply you were ushered up to your room where there was a bath waiting. “Get in now, you can explain yourself while you’re washing.” You undressed and got into the tub. You were expecting nice warm water but what you got was a cold slap to the face.

                “THIS IS FREEZING!”

                “Well if you had gotten back when you were supposed to the water would be fine. Now explain.” Jasmine started washing your hair, rather roughly, to get all the mud out.

                “Well, I was out doing the usual, target practice of course, and I may have heard a noise before I was about to fire.  And I turned and shot…” She abruptly stopped washing your hair.

                “What did you hit?” Jasmine questioned angrily. You mumbled in response,

                “I hit deer.”  She gave a sigh of relief and continued to wash.

                “You need to be more careful. That could’ve been a human you hit.” You slightly glared at her.

                “Human or not I did need to be more careful. That’s why I’m so dirty. After I shot the deer I chased after it so I could remove my arrow.” You drew your knees up to your chest and rested your head on them.

                “I’m hoping that since you are so dirty it means you removed it.”

                “Actually no, before I could reach the deer it ran into a man. He calmed it down and took it out. I was about to retrieve my arrow from him when I heard the clock chime. “

                “A random man in the forest so close to the palace? What did he look like? Because you may need to inform the king.”  You thought about the man’s appearance. He wore black pants with brown boots reaching up to the middle of his shin, and a white shirt covered by a dark green coat that had various gold chains around it. His hair was blonde, but you didn’t quite catch the color of his eyes, he also had a hat that matched his coat and a gold handled sword. Now that you thought about it, he was probably a pirate, and in that case, you should inform the king.

                “Oh don’t worry about it Jasmine. He was probably just a poor peddler. He was practically wearing rags. I see no need to inform the king.”

                “All right then, if you say so.” Yes you lied. You knew that man was most likely a pirate, but why would you choose to miss out on the chance of an adventure. Besides it was just that, just a chance. As far as you were concerned nothing interesting would ever happen as long as you’re trapped inside the palace walls. Jasmine continued to wash your hair and when that was done she left you to finish cleaning yourself up. When you were done she came back into your room with the royal fitters, who were quite annoyed at having to wait so long. “There we go, now you look like a presentable princess.”

                “Yeah, yeah. Let’s get this over with.”

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