Part 2

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After three hours passed of you trying on one dress just to take it off and put on another, you had finally found one that you and Jasmine could agree on.  "Oh this one is perfect! It suits you so well. Not to mention it's in your favorite color." With that you could tell that Jasmine wouldn't let you pick any other dress.

                "I suppose it's a nice dress, and it is my favorite color. I'd say it's the best out of all of them." Looking at yourself in the mirror you couldn't help but to admire the dress.  It wasn't too elegant, yet it was something a princess would wear. It puffed out at the bottom, but not enough to make you look like a giant cupcake, which was good. It has three layers, the top a dark (Fav. Color), and the layer below that a few shades lighter, and the bottom was a deep golden color that matched the hardly visible design on the top layer. If you had to wear a dress you were glad it was this one. "Alright then, thank you for your time. I do apologize for making you wait so long." You apologized to the fitters.

                "Not a problem your highness. We're just glad we get to design you outfit for the masquerade ball this Saturday. "The three fitters exchanged smiles with you and then left to make the necessary alterations to your dress. You sighed the ball was only two days away, something you would not be looking forward to. Once upon a time you loved going, but since your father died you hadn't really enjoyed them as much. People had said things like 'You'll get used to it darling,' and 'It'll be fun, just you see,' but after nine years you didn't think they would ever be enjoyable again. While you were busy reveling in the past your mother came in your room.

                "Darling, I heard you picked out your dress."  You mom stated in her sing-song voice. You snapped out of your trance and replied.

                "Yes mother, I did."

                "I can't wait to see it. I know it will be the most gorgeous one there. And no doubt there will be plenty of mysterious suitors." She said her voice trailing off at the end. Your mother was obsessed with you getting married, something you didn't favor much.

                "Mother please, I'm only 18. I don't need to be thinking about things like that." But your mother was too busy fantasizing about God knows what to notice your response.

                "Yes, alright darling, I'll see you later I have business to attend to." And with that she left. You didn't like your mother much. She was never very faithful to your father, the king, when he was alive. She would always disappear to fool around with some man. You never found out who it was, could have been dozens of men for all you knew. And when your father died she didn't seem the least bit affected. His death was very surprising, there was no natural cause, or any foul play that could be detected. All of it was one big mystery, and still is, but before you knew it your mother had re-married, to the current king. You didn't like him at all. No, it wasn't because you felt like he was trying to replace your father, it was because there was something...wrong about him. He didn't quite sit right with you. You still don't trust him, but you've learned to live with it, at least enough to have civilized meals and attend royal ceremonies with him.

                Your thoughts were again interrupted by Jasmine, one person around here you did trust. "Madam, it's time to get ready for bed." You sighed. Jasmine had been around for most of your childhood, and you know you can tell her almost anything, and she won't tell anyone else. But you still just felt like she was here because she had to be, and nothing else.

                "Right, yes of course, I'll go get ready. You're dismissed, thank you."

                "Is everything all right Milady?" You look at the ground and smile sadly, but then look up with a grin on your face.

                "Yes of course! I'm just not looking forward to this ball. You know how much I hate wearing dresses." And with that you bounded off to your dressing screen. Jasmine laughed slightly.

                "Silly girl." And she left to the servants' quarters. You watched as she left, and when you knew she was gone you changed quickly back into your hunting clothes from earlier. What? You said you'd retrieve your bow later. You walked over to your bed and kneeled down. Feeling around until you found the case and pulled it out. You sighed and opened it, revealing your fathers sword. 'Man does this bring back memories.' Your father taught you how to sword fight before he died, yes you were young but he thought it was necessary. You two would always mess around though, pretending he was a pirate and you a noble queen there to protect your people. When he died you inherited his sword, your mother told you to dispose of it, but Jasmine knew how much it meant to you so she brought you a case to hide it in. You would try to practice every day, and when you got to go into the forest you would sometimes bring it with you rather than your bow so you could freely swing away. Surprisingly over the many years you had gotten quite good, though you've never actually battled anyone before, being as a princess wasn't supposed to have a sword in the first place. You put the sword in its scabbard in your belt, and then you slipped the belt around your waist.

                You then made your way to the west wall, and felt around until you came across a button. You then pushed it and a door opened revealing a secret passage way. Without these you would never be able to sneak out of the castle and luckily this one lead straight to the back entrance of the castle. You quickly made your way down three flights of stairs and a narrow corridor until you reached a wall, and with another push of a button you were at the back entrance. You carefully checked both sides before you ran out the back, straight into the forest for the second time that day.  

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