Part 5

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    You stood there dazed as the king cleared his throat and began speaking. "People of the surrounding kingdoms, I welcome you to our home. This is a celebration for Princess (your name) her birthday has come to pass and it is now time for her to marry." By this time the pirate had turn to attentively listen to the king, and you had mildly tuned in to his words. Your mother, who had joined the king at his side, added

   "Unfortunately, my daughter seems to be late. I'm sure she'll be here momentarily." You could feel her staring at you, so you thought it would be a good idea to take your place next to them. For proper introductions of course. You sighed then smirked to yourself. This is the adventure you're looking for, you turned your head toward the pirate and whispered "Good luck, Captain." Then made your way to your mother.

    "Here she is. Princess (your name)." Your mother extended her hand and you took it moving to her side.

    "Welcome everyone. I hope you all have a lovely evening. Thank you for coming." You spoke confidently, looking at the pirate the entire time. He had seemingly just recovered, as the expression on his face was one of annoyance, yet you could see mild amusement in his eyes. The music began playing again, and you stared with a blank expression in the direction of the captain and mouthed 'your move.'

   In the background you could hear your mother repeating your name, to which you finally responded with a sharp "What."

    "Dont you take that tone with me," you rolled your eyes and she scoffed, "you better not mess this up. This is your one chance to find a husband suitable to your tastes. If you fail, we shall select someone for you. Now go." You held your tongue and moved back to the ball room floor. You were far more interested in the pirate, but for now, you'd pretend to mingle among the snobs.

~Authors note. Sorry for the short part. I'm just getting back into the story. I'll try and update later tonight or tomorrow. Lemme know what ya think ^^ ~

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