24. Doggy boy

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Sorry for this. I had to delete the chapter because there was a huge mistake that I over looked. Thank you Gurl_you_Fear and CierraVasquez for seeing my mistake. So this goes to you for seeing it.
Anyways back to the story.
"And if you will please, go fuck yourself." I said at a member of my pack who walked away quickly.

"Dude, either you're turning into Your mom , or you have a bad temper."

I looked at Colton who was looking at me. "Have you ever had a mate that was stolen away from you and a girlfriend who was stolen from you without even knowing it."

"One, I don't have my mate yet. Two, how could I have a girlfriend if I fuck every living thing with two legs,boobs,and ass."

"Moron." I got up and walked down the hall away from my room. I opened the door to my parents room and looked at them. "We need to talk."

My mom pulls the blanket over her head and groaned. "Go away."

"Well, thanks mom. That makes
Me feel good about myself."

She took her arm out and gave me a thumbs up. I shook my head and looked at dad. "Are we even looking for them anymore. It's been days."

He looked at me from the tv. "We have been up days and nights working on this Clay."

"No, you haven't. What if mom got stolen from you. You would go on the rampage. I might as well just let my instincts take over and find her for me." Then like a lightbulb, I had a great idea. "I can turn them off."

He frowned. "Turn what off?"

"My human instincts."

Mom shot out of bed and looked at me. "You better not."

I closed my eyes and listened to them talk. "What happens if he shuts them off?"

"Colton, Clayton would no longer be Clayton. He would be pure predator, and he's making Andrea the prey. There would be nothing to stop him."

Clayton shook me. "Open your eyes bitch." Then he slapped me. "I'm not fucking taking care of a dog and cleaning up all your killings."

I opened one eye and looked at him. "I'm not gonna kill anyone.....then then again I don't know. That's why I have you." I closed my eye.

"No. Open your eyes. I can't compel people like you."

"Mom can."

"Pff, got me fifty shades of fucked up."

I heard dads laugh from moms statement. I controlled my breathing and blocked out the voices. I let my wolf completely take over. My mind. My being. My soul. I was completely and utterly, a predator.

I opened my eyes and everything was keen, like moving in slow motion. I went out the room and into the room Andrea stayed in. I sniffed the bed and the faint of her scent was still there. I opened the door is the balcony and tilted my head up. Nothing, there was nothing. I smelt a storm coming from the east, but it had to be a day or two to be hear. Faintly. Very faintly I smelt Andrea and not only her, Cierra also. Cierra's scent being stronger.

I jumped from the balcony and shifted running the way I smelt them. The last thing I heard was my best friend saying. "Well shit."

'This could be a trap Clay.'

'Stop linking me Cole and run.' I snapped at Colton.

'He's right.' My moms voice said. I looked back and saw her and Levi running with us.

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