31. I want you (part1)

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Andreas P.O.V

"Like seriously. I'm ready to go home. No joke."

"You. At least you have a home." I heard Alex mumble behind me.

I felt bad. He honestly didn't have anywhere to go. I turned to him but continued walking backwards. "Are you okay?"

He scoffed. "Since when do you care what I am?"

I frowned. "I may be an asshole but that doesn't mean I don't care."

I seen a ghost smile appear on his lips then it vanished. "Whatever Andrea. Just let me get you back without being killed so I can be on my way."

"Where would you go?"

He growled. "Anywhere but where I came from."

"I'm sure Clayton will let you join......"

"I don't want your help. This fairies help or anybodies help for that matter." He cut me off from my sentence. "Just let my be a lone wolf." He walked ahead of me and Cierra.

He grabbed his head and turned around furiously. "Cierra stay out my head. I can still block people out. Your invading privacy." He turned back around and continued walking.

I walked quickly with anger. I looked at tinker bell. "Isn't being a lone wolf a bad thing."

She nodded. "He can be killed."

"I'm not stupid you dumb fucks." He said to us not turning around. "I can still hear you. And yes andrea. Being a lone wolf is bad. You can die. Plain and simple. I rather die then be on this earth with savage humans looking at us as if we're the beast."

What was wrong with him? He wasn't acting like himself. I jogged towards him and put a hand on his wrist. I looked at him and he had tears coming down his face. I went in front of him and all he did was pick me up and move me to the side. I kept doing it until he stopped. "What andrea!" He yelled at me.

"First of all asshole. Don't yell at me. Second of all. I want to know what wrong with you. I'm not gonna let a friend walk around pissed off without a good valid reason."

He looked down at me in my eyes and then just hugged me. He whispered. "Honestly Andrea. I wish I could find a little smart ass like you. But sadly I can't have you."

"What is it with you guys wanting me. I'm honestly not that good looking." I laughed.

"No it's not the looks it's the personality."

"Did you just call my ugly in a nice way?" I questioned.

He chuckled. "No. If you were ugly. I wouldn't have tried to make out with you in the middle of the forest."

"You weird perverted man wolf."

I could tell he was smiling now. "See this is why people fall in love with you. You say the most wildest shit and not give a damn. There's no girls that are like you."

I smiled. "Thank you Alex. And cheer up. There more awesome people out there. Not more awesomer then me but awesome none the less."

Yes I know I short but it's something. It's been months since I freaking updated I'm such a bad person. Uce been busy with school, designing, and then got sick and almost died so yeah. A lot going on. But fun fact about me. I might be going to France in a couple of years. 😱anyway

So do you guys think Alex should be Andreas mate instead? (And no I'm not giving her two mates lol)

💕😁💕😭💕😂 LOVE YOU

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