21. Boo Bear

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This is very short I know but ayyyyye!! Sorry for the mistakes though!!!!

Unknown P.O.V

"Please let me go. I Beg you."

Slapped me once more and my head turned harshly. "Shut up. I will let you go once I have What I want."

I looked up at the man. "I don't have what you want. Please, just tell me what it is you want?"

"Your boyfriend."

My eyes went wide. What would they want with my lover. What has he to do with this situation? "Why?"

"To kill the rest of his family, to finish what my master started. Why else?" He laughed.

I shook my head. "No. No." I looked up at him and screamed. "He will never fall for your plan."

He slapped me again. "If he loves you enough....he will come for you."

He left the room and I sobbed. Why must this happen? I looked up. "If you can hear me my love, please don't come for me."

I looked down then to the door. "I will find my way Back to him.....back to my Clayton.


"Get up." someone yelled.

I bolted up out the bed and looked around. "What?"

"We are making a phone call."

The man unlocked me and pushed me down the hall, I passed a room with the door open, agirl was inside. I only got a glimps of her and was forcefully pushed to the end hallway. The door opened up and a large group of men where inside. "Sit." he ordered me.

I sat and looked around. This was suppose to be a vacation, not me get kidnapped. A guy shoved me a phone. "call him."


"Your lover. Ask where he is? What's he doing."

I gulped and pressed the buttons. I put it to my ear and it rang. Soon he answered. "Who is this?"

"Clayton." I said. He would know something was wrong by the way I sounded from lack of food and water.


I smiled. "yeah baby, it'sme."

"What's wrong?"

I loved his voice. I miss his voice. I miss everything about him. "Nothimg, I'm fine."

"Stop lying. Baby tell me what's wrong?"

"I can't." I looked at the men who looked at me.

"Just say yes or no. Are you safe?"


"Are you hurt?"

I wanted to cry. "Yes."

I heard him growl. I miss his warmth, his touch, his kisses. "has anyone touched you Cierra?"


He breathed out of relief. "Do you know where you are?"


"Okay, what was the last place you were?"

"I was on my way home to see you at the train station....." I looked at the men. "then sort of got side tracked I guess."

"I'll be there okay."

"Don't. Okay."

The man pushed me and I winced. "Where are you?"

"Home, why?"

"Just...please answer the questions."

"They are making you do this aren't they?"

I nodded but I know he couldn't see me. "What are you doing?"

"Looking for.....someone." he answered hesitantly.

"Okay,thank you Boo bear." I smiled.

I heard him chuckle. "I'll see you very soon, okay baby girl."

"I love you."

It was silent, and he didn't say it right back as usual. "I love you too."

The phone was taken out my hand and the man slapped me. "Why did you keep saying yes and no."

"He asked if I was okay, I said yes. He was joking around and said was I Sleeping with someone other then him I said no."

He looked at me for a good minute then pushed me up. "Back to your room."

They pushed me back to my room and shut my door. They didn't bother lock me to the bed again, I slid down on the floor and held my legs to my chest. "Clayton please, don't worry about be."

Then a loud scream was heard next to my room and the name she yelled is what scared me the most. Clayton.




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