5.Is this a vacation?

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Clayton's P.O.V

I walked back in the room and put my boxers on. Mom and Levi was down in the lobby for I don't know. Colton was in his bed sleep. Tiffany was in the shower and Austin was in the living room area playing video games.

I rubbed my abs and walked out to the living room area. "Austin I'm hungry."

He paused the game and looked at me. "Does it look like I'm capable to cook?"

I turned my head to the side to look at him. "I don't know? Can you?"

"Clayton. This is Austin your talking to. I can't cook for shit. When Colton was a baby I could hardly change his diaper. Let alone cook some damn food."

I started laughing and ran a hand through my hair. "Food."

He got up and nodded. "Food."

"Go time." I smiled.

"Aren't you gonna put a shirt on?" he asked walking to me.

"Nope. I like the attention." I smiled.

"What about your mate?"

I opened the door and started walking down the hall. "I said I like attention. I didn't say was gonna fuck every girl I see."

We went down in the elevator till we got to the first floor. It was already late so there were few people there. Like I said I like the attention and I got what I wanted. There was a few girls at a table already drooling over me.

"You two are morons." I jumped at the sudden voice of my dad.

"Jason. You know you would have done the same thing." Austin said as we continued to walk to the food part.

"Yes. I will accept that, but I had my reasons." He said smiling.

I looked at him. "Dad. Your reason is probably the same as my reason."

"What? You want attention?" he said.

"Like I usually say. Like father, exactly like son." Austin said looking at the hotdogs.

I looked around to see if I can see mom and Levi because I know there were going to the Lobby.

I turned back around ignoring it. That's when I felt it. The stare in the back of my head. I turned my head slightly, but saw nothing.

I closed my eyes to read there minds.

'Ugh I don't know how suppose to break up with him.'

'Ohhh he's hot.'

'Ha mom. You mad or nah.'

I searched almost every mind and came up empty.

'Damn. Those boobs though.'

'Dat ass though.'

'I'm hungry.'

'I could go for some burritos, right now.'

'I know your trying to read my mind.'

I kept going but stopped. I went back to the mind I was just reading.

'Yes Clayton. You found me. And I know your trying hard to look for me.'

I turned around quickly and searched the room. I knew I wasn't suppose to use my powers and I know I could get in trouble for it. But there were two spells that I was a beast at.

I held both hands up and mumbled the words. Soon the entire lobby that was full of moving people was now frozen in there state. Like not moving at all. I only kept Austin, mom and Levi moving. Dad was a angel so it wouldn't have worked on him.

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