20. Gone pt:2

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Homework question:

1. What was the first thing Andrea EVER said to Clayton when they first met?

BTW: this chapter sucks...sorry.
Clayton's P.O.V

I looked to the back and saw her arm sticking out and dripping blood.

I closed my eyes. Damn it. This was my fault. All my fault and i can't do anything about it. But there is one thing. I looked at my arm and the bleeding had stopped and I was beginning to heal. I listened, Lilly wasn't dead. Her heart beat was there but it was faint. I crawled over to her and held her hand. I focused on healing her cuts and taking the pain away. I felt her pulse begin to quicken and her heartbeat to become more prominent to hear. Then like magic she breathes out and screamed.

"I didn't know you knew how to do that." Colton commented behind me.

"I didn't either." I said pulling her out the car. I laid her on the ground And pushed her hair back out her face. "Colton, watch her."

I stood up and got a whiff of Andreas scent. I walked back to the road and looked both ways. I started walking the way we came. "Andrea!"

I followed her scent to the middle of the road and then all noise stopped. Her scent had just vanished. There was nothing. I put my hands on top of my head and looked down. "Where are you Andrea."

I closed my eyes and thought where she could possibly be. I found my way to her thoughts. 'Andrea.'

'GET OUT MY HEAD!' She screamed.

I couldn't link her but I could force my voice in her thoughts so she could hear me.

'It's okay. It's Clayton.' I tried to

'No it's not. You said that before.' She was crying.

'When we first met, my friend threw a ball at you. I saved your friend from the water at the beach. And you're wearing my favorite hoodie right now.'

'Clayton please help me.'

'Can you see anything?'

'No,theres a bag over my head.'

'Okay, don't worry Andrea I'll get you back soon okay.'

'Don't worry? You moron I've been kidnapped..twice, and you want me to not worry!?'

I smiled slightly,that's my Andrea. 'Fine,just know I'm coming to get you.'

'Hurry up,just know, if I die, I'm coming back to haunt you.'

'Ok. If you want to talk to me just call my name okay.'

'Sure,but my the time you get here, I will already be free because I'm gonna kill everyone.'

'Ok Andrea.'

I closed my mind because she started cursing at me. Colton and Lilly limped out the woods. "The pack is on the way." As he said that I heard Levi's howl along with more. I could heal fast if I shift, but.... lilly.

"Turn around." They did as I said and I took my ripped shirt off and pants. I shifted. I went over to them and Lilly looked at me.

"Don't worry. It's Clayton."

She nodded. Colton picked her up and placed her on my back, she hugged around my neck as we walked slowly down the street in silence. I felt Levi and my mom close, but also another presence, a bad one. Like magic 3 rouges ran past us and right behind was some of our pack member chasing them. what was going on? Why is all this happening?

My mom came running but soon stopped in front of me. 'Are you okay?' She linked pushing her nose on me checking for any injuries.

'Fine. Lilly is hurting, we have to get her to the pack doctor.'

She nodded and we started our way back to the pack house. Andrea, I will find you, even if it kills me.

"Do you have any idea where they could be?"

"For the hundredths time mom, I. Don't. Know. Where. She. Is."

"It's impossible to track someone when you don't have anything of theirs Clay."

"I know mom, you made me track you without a scent when I was younger. Is it doing us any good of finding my mate right now...no."

She snapped her head to me from across the table and I put my hands up. "Sorry."

She looked down and continued you wave her hand over the map. "Jesse I think this is your thing....finding people."

I walked out the room and to the kitchen. "I really need sleep."

"Isn't finding your mate more important then that?"

I turned to see Cam walking towards me. I was still upset about earlier but I'll get over it. "Yeah, but I need sleep to so I have enough energy to find her."

He nodded. "She must be scared."

I scoffed. "I beg to differ. She's Andrea."


Yaaas for me updating I should get a medal.

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