Who's Jimmy

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Andreas P.O.V

"Lilly. Should I wear this one or this one?" I held up a red dress.

She looked at me and frowned. "Am I the one that's gonna wear it?"

I looked at her and frowned. "Why are you acting like this?"

She put her phone down and rolled her eyes. "You stole like....the hottest guy away from me. And you don't see the problem?"

"Lilly? He asked me out if I remember. Now you can either get over it or forget it."

She stood up and took my phone. "Fine. Then we all can go. Im gonna call him and tell him bring his retard friend. It can be a double date."

I jumped for the phone but she ran. I chased her but she ran in the bathroom and locked the door. I banged on the door but all she did was laugh.

"You fucker! Give me my phone!"

"Hello? Clayton?"

"Yeah it's Lilly. Andrea wanted to know if it could be like a double date thing. Like you and me...i mean her. And your friend Jimmy."

Clayton's P.O.V

Jimmy? Who the hell is Jimmy? "You mean Colton?"

"Yeah him."

Why didn't she tell me herself? Wait, why does she have Andreas phone?


"Yes sweetie."

Ew sounds like my mom...but my mom doesn't even call me that. "Umm.... yeah no. Where's Andrea. Why couldn't she tell me that?"

"Give me my damn phone bitch!" I heard someone yell in the background.

"Okay Clayton got to go bye see you later."

Just like that she hung up. I looked at my phone in confusion. I looked back up at Colton who was sitting on the bed.


"I guess your coming with me."


"On a date."

He looked at me and frowned. "I know we're bro's and all but I don't like you that much no offense."

"You moron not with me with Lilly."

"Why her of all people?!" he yelled.

"I thought you liked her?"

"That's changed."

I smiled. "You found your mate didn't you?"

He looked at me and raised a brow. "I'm pretty sure if I found my mate I would be fucking her right now."

I laughed but heard someone clear their throat. I turned to see Tiffany in shock and Austin smiling.

"No fucking will be going on with my son!"

Austin flinched and backed away. "Calm down."

She turned and looked at him. "Your his father talk to him about how babies are made."

I started laughing and Colton groaned. "Moooom."

"Don't mom me. Talk to him Austin."

Austin walked in the room and sat next to Him. "Now son....is she hot.... because if she is tap it."


"What?! You said talk to him."

She stormed in the room and dragged Austin out. He laughed at Austin and he flipped him off.

"You have the weirdest family ever" I laughed.

"Nah. Because I'm not the one with magical fairy dust acting like tinker bell and shit."

I laughed and got up. "I fucking hate you."

"Clayton come here." I heard both my mom and dad. Well.... biological dad.

I peeked out the door. "Whatever it is I honestly believe it was Colton because he does things and blames me."

"The fuck dude?!"

I laughed at him and walked towards them.


"So you know how your father died to save me?" My mom spoke.

"Yeah, wasn't because of Grampa or something."

"One he's not your grandfather he's a drunk tard and two...yeah. And I spoke to the peoples and....he might be back."


"My team."


I looked at dad. "You look worried."

He looked at mom and she nodded. "The other side is falling apart."

I looked at her. "Mom....you do know you forced me to watch vampire diaries with you. This is not a Bonnie and Damon moment right now."

She laughed and dad rolled his eyes. "Don't listen to her. She's still a child."

She shrugged. "But I'm still fun." She looked at me. "But on a serious note, be careful because if he is back he's gonna come back for me and your father and Austin, justin, and everybody we basically know. The first thing that came to mind was mate.

'Don't think about it Clay.' dad linked me.

I looked at him. 'What if he hurts her?'

'Don't let him. Watch her. Protect her.'

"Hey guys it would be nice to be let in on some things."

I looked at mom. "It's cool mom. I'll watch my back."

"Okay....and Jesse and Skylar are coming here."

Me and dad looked at her. "WHAT!?"


Have a holly jolly Christmas and blah blah blah more words and something and yeah I don't know the words.

Remind me when the last time I updated.....actually don't. It's too much to count. But hey! I'm updating all the way to Christmas everyday maybe twice a day to make up the time I was gone. Yeah?


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