30. Close

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Claytons P.O.V

"We are close. I can feel it." I said leaning on the window. Mia was sleep leaning on me. Or at least I think we were close. Or I just needed to let my wolf out.

"Are you sure you still want to save her?"

"Mom, for the last time. She's my mate. I have to."

"Pff I'll leave the bitch to die."

I frowned. "Thanks mom."

"I'm just saying. If Levi ever did something like that to me. Which he has, Ill kill his ass."

Colton laughed. I glared at him and then my mom spoke. "Don't laugh Colton. I know Tiffany. If Austin ever disrespects her like that, I already know she's gonna ask if she can hide the body the same place I hid Levi's."

"I'm sitting right here Allison."

She looked at him. "Okay. I see you. Are you a ghost. No."

I smiled. I love my mother and father relationship.

He shook his head and looked in the mirror at me. "Clayton, if your wife ever tries to out smart you. Just nod and pretend she won so she will be quiet. Look how far I made it."

My moms mouth gaped open. "You douche. Is that why every time I yell at you you just nod."

Dad nodded.

"Stop nodding. Speak you ass."


"Don't talk to me." My mom faced the other way and growled. "I'm gonna call......your mother. See what she has to say." My mom turned around and looked at me. "Be ready to take the Alpha position." She looked at Colton. "I hope your ready to be beta."



"Child." My dad said.


"Kiss ass."

Mom glared. "10 seconds."

I turned my lips in. I had a feeling I knew what that meant but I left it alone.

My dad stopped at a red light and looked at my mom fully. "Did you just say 10 seconds."

She nodded. "Yup. Can't even last as long as you thought you do."

"Allison. I'm a alpha male, plus a werewolf. I'm pretty sure I can last longer then that."

"Okay okay okay." I said speaking up. "I don't need images of you know. My parents doing that."

My mom looked at me. "I brought you into the world. And I will take you out. Shut your mouth."

I closed my mouth and looked out the window. "Gosh why you gotta be so rude. Don't you know I'm human too."

I felt a slap on the side of my head. "Shut up Clayton. You're not even human."

I smirked. "Whatever."



We've been driving for about 8 hours now and I was starting to get hungry. I sat up and tapped mom. Can we eat?
She yawned and stretched. "Yeah."

We drove a little longer and stopped at this diner. We got out the car and stood outside. I left Mia sleep."Okay. So who has money."

We all looked at my dad."what do you mean who has money?"

I shook my head. "This trip wasn't planned out very well."


She looked at me. "I can't magically make money appear."

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