33. Where's the Lights

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Andrea's P.O.V

"Guys....I feel like we've been walking in circles and I'm hungry." I groaned trudging behind them.

"Oh you humans are so weak." Tinker bell laughed.

I glared at her. "Then use your magic and make me food."

"Doesn't work like that Andrea."

I was about to talk when Alex held his hand up. "Quiet."

I frowned. "Who the hell are you to tell me to....."

"SHhhhhh." he put his finger up.


He listened and took a few steps back. "Be ready. And hold on tight."

I was about to ask what he meant when something flew by my head. He instantly made his body to fur and knocked me over. He brought his wolf nose to me and pushed me.

"He said get on his back." Tinker bell noted.

"What! No!"

Another thing flew at me and I hopped on his back. I held tightly around his neck and he started running. I kept my eyes close. I didn't want to die. I heard growling and peaked through one eye. Wolves were running at us from the side and i shut my eyes again. I could feel him run faster and faster but i felt like they were right behind us. I opened my eyes when I felt him stop. We were surrounded by wolves. He growled and I swear if I wasn't on his back I would have peed.

"Brother, nice to see you."

I looked at see Alex's brother walking amongst the wolves.

Please oh please don't let me die. But i spoke too soon Alex started running at him with full speed and i held tighter. At the last second he made a sharp right and started running at a tree.

"What are you doing!" I screamed at him.

He ran and jumped and was running up the tree. This kid was breaking physics on so many levels. He jump the other way to another tree and did the same until he started to run down and at full speed. He was like a squirrel or something. Was this even possible for wolves? Alex ran down the tree as fast as possible and then threw the wolves like he was parting the sea. I didn't dare to turn around and see of they were chasing us, because i already knew they were. Alex turned sharply and then again. I felt myself beginning to slip off of him. "Alex, I'm falling!" I yelled.

I heard him growl and bucked me off. I went soaring through the air as if I were a bird. I hit the ground with a huge thud. I turned over and leaned back onto my elbows and watched as a large wolf pounced on Alex. I didn't waste time, i scrambled to my feet and ran the opposite way, leaving all the commotion behind me. I didn't get as far as i wanted to. I was knocked onto the ground by something large and heavy. Most likely one of these freaks.

"Where do you think you're going?"

They stepped on my back hard and i hissed. "I was just going for a jog in the forest, what about you?"

"You sarcastic little..."

His sentence stopped and a new voice was brought into the conversation. "I need her alive, not dead."

"I wasn't going to kill her Tyler. Just.... you know what forget it."

He pulled me up and gripped a bunch of my hair in his fist taking my head back. I saw a tall lanky guy standing in front of me. His face was sunken in, his hair dark and thin. He walked up to me and touched my face with his boney hands. "Now, you are a special one."

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