1.Last day of school

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Clayton's P.O.V

"Dude. Your crazy, if you want to go sky diving that's on you. I'll tell your mom you love her." Colton said from the passenger seat.

"It's gonna be fun. Come on. You know your dad would so do it too." I smirked.

He looked at me. "My dad is crazy as fuck ok? Your more his son then I am."

I laughed. "Trust me. I'm my dad's son."

He shook his head and looked out the window. Colton and I grew up together. He had his moms grey eyes and his dad's brown hair. Out of the two of us. I was the more 'I don't give a fuck, lets just do it' and he was the more 'lets think this through, but since it was your idea lets do it' kind of person.

We pulled up to the school and my car was instantly surround by people and when I say people.... I Mean girls. I wasn't your typical douche bag popular kid. I was funny and everybody loved me. No I didn't sleep around with people but I had my fair share.

"Can you guys please back up?" I asked them and they moved.

"Can I have a ride after school?"

"Can I have your number?"

"Can I have your kids?"

Was the questions I got everyday. I moved around them and walked over to my friends.

"Last day is always a pain." Colton said laughing.

"Trust me, I know. Just keep them all away from me. That's a lie keep a few near me." I said shooing girls away.

"I don't know why do that. Just push them away. There basically begging you to take them." Cameron said looking at my "fan club".

"I was raised right. And I don't want to be like my step dad Levi. He was a jerk to everyone, including my mom. I toy with them but I don't just do it with them." I said plainly.

"But he's not now. Plus your moms hot." Cameron said crossing his arms.

He was the guy that got everything he wanted. I mean yeah I got everything I wanted. Yes I am spoiled but I'm not complaining. He was your tall, blond, with blue eye. All girl wanted him for his British accent.

"One, don't call my mom hot unless you want me to punch you in the throat. Two, Sure he's not now. But he was in High school. You know what drop the conversation, I'm done. Colton come on." I said walking away.

"Bye guys." Colton said picking up his backpack and jogging over to me.

"Dude whats up? why the short temper?" He asked walking down the hall.

"I'm tired of people comparing me to my step dad. I'm not like him. It's like girls will drop there under wear and open their legs if I even look at them. Even smile. Yes, I like it but doesn't mean I want them to. Watch this." I said looking for someone. i knew everybody's name in the school so score for me.

"Hey Becky." I smiled and winked at her.

She turned and started to sweat. She waved and turned to her friends. "Oh my fucking god. Fucking Clayton Carter O'Connor Michels just winked and said hi to me. It's the best day ever."

I looked at Colton. "SEE! She even knows my whole name. Who does that? That's creepy."

He started laughing. "HAHAHAH!"

"Colton that's not funny. That doesn't happen to you." I said opening my locker.

"Oh really?" he looked around and saw Kelly.

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