The Real Mary Sue Test

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All right, it's finally here. The full Mary Sue Test. 

Here are the questions you need to ask yourself?

Do you want to be your OC? 

Okay, seriously, be real here. Is your OC a perfect version of yourself? There's no shame in admitting that... because I've done it sooo many times and I mostly learn from my mistakes... I think.

Is your OC attractive and fit with little to no effort? This always irks me.. and I feel like so so many characters are totally this... but that's a rant for another time. 

Are several animals/companions/friends/love interests that are equally as attractive instantly attracted to your OC? *cough* Silveny *cough* 

Is your OC's outfits described in full detail even when it has no bearing on the plot? 

Is your OC a 'nerd' or a 'tomboy' or 'not like other teens?' 

Is your OC clumsy, but totally emphasizes it way too much? Or is your OC super graceful, for no apparent reason?

Do you feel attacked, defensive, or insulted when someone doesn't like your OC? Of course, it's totally fine to love your characters... but at the end of the day, I know this is very hard to hear, they are just a fictional character. 

Does your OC have a tragic past? Again, tragical pasts are totally fine. It's a totally interesting backstory, but sometimes tragic backstories are more subtle than the whole shebang, like it is in real life. 

Do you use overly poetic terms to describe your OC? Such poetic terms might be: amber eyes the color of honey lit up by the beautiful sun rays, or a face of three thousand freckles, each varying in size and shape, each a beautiful mark left on her soft skin by God. Who would want to read that? Certainly not me. 

How many main characters fall in love with your OC? If so, is it very quickly? I don't know if it's just me, but I don't fall in love quickly, nor develop a crush to quickly. Also, yeah, your OC doesn't need to be heartthrob, you know!

Does your OC have a remarkable singing voice? If so, are they aware of it? Of course there are so many talented people out there. But... regular people don't really have such a beautiful voice that will never have voice cracks nor never be pitchy. Even those with amazing voices will of course have cracks or certain notes that are too sharp or too flat. ESPECIALLY if they're teenagers. 

Is your OC the sole surviving member of some great tragedy, genocide, or the last of a house or species? This is kind of overused by now. 

If a fanfiction OC, does your character have a weapon or trinket similar to another character's previously unique weapon or trinket? For example: does Oceania Shimmer Twighligh t Jackson have another riptide?

If a fan OC, is your character essentially the female version of your favorite male character, or vice versa? This is my sibling problem in most fan fictions. 

Is your OC the child or close relative of a major Canon character? Pretty much the same thing as before. 

Do The Rules of a universe bend or break for your OC? Does no one critique them? If so, are those characters criticized for critiquing your OC> They shouldn't be!

Does your OC "Just know things" about the fandom that only the canon characters should know? This would be like an OC telling Harry that he has to die, that Darth Vader is Luke's father, that Percy is not the real hero.

Does your OC ever die while saving another character, but is restored to life? Okay, yes, we definitely want to have that wonderfully dramatic resurrection scene... but, I think that defeats the purpose of a death sometimes. 

Do you sometimes imagine you are your OC? Of course, it's lovely to really get into that headspace when writing... but other than that, maybe not. 

All right, that's it, and I hope you take all this with a grain of salt!

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