Percy Jackson Fanfiction

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All right, this one is a long one. Percy Jackson Fanfiction is almost everything I read and write, so there are a lot of things I'm going to say here. 

1. Do.......stay mostly true to the original characters. I say mostly because fan fiction is all about changing the original writing a bit, but try to stay mostly true to most of the things. For example, how can they be a child of Artemis? She took a virginity oath y'all. And also personality wise, why is Piper all of a sudden so girly? Why is Annabeth so dumb? Why is Jason so jealous? Why is Nico suddenly straight? None of those things really make sense! If you want to do these things, come up with an explanation that makes sense, please!

2. Don't....... make an OC super powerful. It's super annoying when some new OC has like a bajillion powers. How is that even possible? They have one godly parent. And also, please don't make them beat an amazing demigod on like their first day at one of the camps. That doesn't really make sense. With no training, they beat a seasoned demigod? Yeah, no.

3. Do.......choose your style carefully. And by style, I mean the way you describe and write things. There are many writing styles, and I don't really know the names of most of them, but there is formal writing, funny writing, and more. 

Generally, funny writing is used for Percy Jackson fan fiction. Why? Because that's how Riordan books are mostly written. Percy's signature humor is a key part of the books. 

4. Don't....... make an OC end up with Percy, Nico, or Leo, and then immediately make their significant other a jealous female dog. What reader wants to see their OTPs broken up? Maybe make an OC for them, or a character that doesn't have a significant other. At least let their significant other handle the breakup with grace. 

5. Do........consider their name carefully. Names are a big part of who you are. Don't make it some weird name like: Aquamarine Oceania Light Flower Jackson. Have them get a middle name at the most. Use a normal name that makes sense, like: Emily, Jane, Tyler. 

6. Don't......use the word orbs. Okay, don't use it ever in your fiction, but never ever in Percy Jackson Fanfiction. How are orbs eyes? 

Also, don't make them amazing colors and all that. Like not teal eyes, purple, silver, or pink. How does that even work? And please don't make them kaleidoscopic eyes. Unless you're writing about Piper or Aphrodite, the only characters confirmed to have them, or your OC has a good reason for having kaleidoscopic eyes. 

7. Do........ write chapters in nice, readable chunks. Don't make super dense paragraphs with bad grammar and spelling that makes us just want to skip it completely. 

8. Don't..... make your character a Mary Sue. A Mary Sue is a perfect character, naturally beautiful, kind, and smart all at the same time. Please don't do that. And seeing it in their POV is just too much for me. 

9. Do.......transition chapters well. Seriously, please don't end with someone fainting. That's horrible and just unoriginal. Do something that makes sense. Foreshadow something cool!

10. Don't......forget to save your work. Most of the ANs are complaining about how your work wasn't saved. To spare us all the trouble of reading that, try to save your work! I personally use Word to write my chapters, then I copy them into wattpad, spell check, and then publish. If you have access to things like that, use them! If you don't, I agree, wattpad can be glitchy. Maybe try saving periodically throughout your writing, so at least you save part of it?

Overused Ideas:

- Percy's sister, the daughter of Poseidon, does stuff. Sooooooo overused.

- New OC demigod comes to camp half blood, becomes one of the 7, making it 8, or replacing somebody. I hate this one. 

- Jealous Jason. How did these even come to be? I feel like this one is a justification of why people hate Jason so much. 

- Percy becomes Omega, part of the army of chaos? Whatever that means, I'm really confused. Percy becomes DarkPercy and all this stuff happens.

- Demigods go to High school. Evil cheerleaders and jocks galore.

- Mortals meet demigods. Ahh, the classic crushes and stalking. Most of these are really funny though. 

- Demigods go to Hogwarts. Normally, in these, somehow the outfits and rooms are described way too much. Of course, no offense to anybody doing these fics, but just make sure to try to not describe too much. 

- Some magical powerful OC who is the daughter(normally daughter, sometimes son or just any other gender) is like the new Percy Jackson, and becomes cool and stuff and defeats a bunch of monsters and has a pretty bad prophecy. 

- The 7 if they were mortals in high school. This is hypocritical of me, because I am doing this, but I personally love this overused prompt the most. Almost always though, it's always Percabeth, where normally Percy = bad boy/jock/outcast(?), Annabeth = nerd/cheerleader(?).

And that's all for today! 

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