Chapter 2

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Playlist- Royals by Lorde


almost thirteen

The day had come, finally. I was waiting for this day since the moment I got the news from my grandparents that I'll be studying in a private prep school. Tomorrow would be my first day at Scottish Wilson Prep. Still, the best part was, Axel and I will be in the same school, possibly in the same class.

Over the few months, since I've known Axel, he has somehow become a very good friend of mine. I could definitely call him my best friend too. We had so much in common, and this summer was the most memorable summer for me.

Yes, we didn't start off great at first, but slowly, our bond had cultivated much stronger than I could ever imagine it to be. We spent most of our time together, watching anime, reading manga and attempting our best at cosplay.
He sucked at it, I didn't.

I chuckled at memory of his poor attempt to dress up as Rock Lee from Naruto. He failed so miserably and I enjoyed goading him to pick up a duel with his dad, whom he often dubbed to be, orochimaru

Orochimaru would kick his ass if he ever challenged him for a duel.

"What are you laughing at?" Axel pulled my almost shoulder length hair. "There are people trying to sleep peacefully at night."

I made an annoyed face and pulled the duvet covers around my neck.

"Answer me, help," Axel goaded to get a response out of me. He knew how much I hated that term. "You cannot fall asleep in a minute."

"Shut up," I groaned. "Don't you have a bedroom of your own? You're practically covering my entire bed, you giant."

"Piss off." He made a psst sound. "Technically, this is my bedroom." I kicked him and he groaned in return. "Have you started PMSing already?"

I gasped, mortified at his question. "Oh, God, Axel." I threw a pillow at him. "I have school tomorrow and it'll be my first day. Let me get my beauty sleep."

"Whatever." I heard him say.

I tried to fall asleep a lot- counted sheeps in my head, numbers etc. It still eluded me. I think it was because of the nervous-excited jitters I was feeling in my belly since the last two days. I was eager to go to a new school, make new friends and hopefully redeem myself to not be an outcast.

Axel would be there with me so that was a relief, or else I would be as clueless as Sousuke Sagara was when it came to love.

Twisting and turning in my spot, I finally gave up the battle to fall in a deep sleep. I jabbed my finger into Axel's back to check whether he was sleeping.

"Hey," I said, softly. "Are you awake?" No response. "I was talking to you, idiot." Still, no response. "You better not be sulking." I pulled on his arm.

"Let me get some sleep, toots," he cried. "I have an early day tomorrow, just like you." Axel had given me a nickname of his own after learning what my grandparents called me.

"I am scared," I said, truthfully. "Not entirely, but I am excited too." He turned to face me, eyes closed. "Things will be okay, right?"

"Queen of over thinking, don't stress too much. No one's gonna eat you there. I mean... they can, only if you give them the power to step on you." He yawned, lazily.

"I just want to make friends. I don't have any."

Axel tutted. "What am I to you, then? Potato?"

I chuckled and rested my palms on his cheek. "You're my best friend, but I need to have friends besides you. I can't be a loner all my life."

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