Chapter 5 (Pt. 1)

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Playlist- Invisible strings by Taylor Swift



The absolute joy of teenage days came attached with youthful moments and each and every memories of these precious moments would go on to build an adulthood landscape.

Earlier on my thirteenth birthday, I had received 'the talk' from my grandparents. They told me to be wise and act anything, but reckless. My mother had lost her way the moment adolescence hit her like an iceberg.

She turned rebellious, stepped her entire foot out of line, and ended up ruining her life for good. Your teenage years shape your future life, they said.

But, then why did I find it absolutely enthralling and felt the utmost amount of joy to break the rules my grandparents had set for me.

I was fourteen going fifteen, summer break was at its peak and so was my absolute carefree, reckless attitude at its peak too. I should blame my even more careless, moody, hyperactive boyfriend for it.

Heck, I had started to think that he was a best bad influence on me.

He made my plain, mundane life exciting. I went to bed with a thousand megawatts grin on my face and of course, with my boyfriend right beside me.

This summer was turning out to be the summer of life. We did everything together. I had lost the count of the number of ground rules I had broken since Axel became my boyfriend. We caused havoc together and the best part was; no one suspected it to be us.

The secretive glances we exchanged everytime we were in company of either his parents or my grandparents, amped the level of serotonin in my body. On top of that, Axel chose the most riskiest time to lock his lips with mine.

I swear, he was trying to give me a heart attack.

Last time, he snuck a kiss on my lips when I was helping my grandpa with his gardening tool. The guy isn't even cocky about it, there's surety in his movements.

Frenching. He called it. And we frenched at every possible moment.

I made a habit of applying a good chunk of lip mask on my mouth which helped keep my lips supple and soft. Everytime we kissed, our hormones acted on a different level. His was threatening to jump straight out.

I knew it well. I was trying to act like the voice of sensibility for the both of us.

"My cousins will be coming here for the week." My baby pouted, staring at the stucco style ceiling. The dim bedtime light that emitted from the chandelier illuminated the entire bedroom.

I felt as if I was sleeping under a starry sky.

"And?" I flung a leg on top of his stomach and clung to his side. "They can't be anymore of a terror than you are," I joked, earning a tiny pinch of his fingers on my butt. "Ouch."

"You deserved it," he said playfully. "And I was not afraid of them. Gia and Ried are sweethearts, only five."

"I suspect there's a but to your sentence." I grabbed both his cheeks. "You can tell me anything. I'll keep it a secret." I stretched my pinky finger out. "Girlfriend swear."

He sighed. "There's Ace too. He's older than us and I don't get along with him."

I frowned. "You get along with everyone." It was true. Axel was really friendly and approachable to the kids at school.

"Not with him. I don't like him."

I caressed his cheek. "I am sure the week will just swoosh in a heartbeat," I assured him. Besides, you have me by your side and I can't wait to meet your cousins."

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