Chapter 13 (Pt.2)

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follow my backup comicthinker

Playlist - Mastermind by Taylor Swift


His mouth was already twisted in a sensual manner that intensified my desires for him. My eyes flirted with his blue gems. I felt like a cat craving to be touched and caressed by her owner.

Unexpectedly, he pulled me against him, his hands slid around my waist to push me against his hard chest. He practically growled in my face. "Do you have any idea that you're playing with fire?" He pulled me harder. "One fucking push of my finger inside your virgin cunt and I bet I'll make you bleed all over my fingers because I am that close in losing control?"

In an instant he pushed me away, it wasn't delicate at all. He actually threw me off him which landed me on the other side of the jacuzzi. I held onto the edge of the head rest for stability. The water coming from the jets weren't helping me in righting myself.

"Don't come to me again. It's useless to displace your feelings. You can't use me to get over your emotions."

Anger stirred inside my veins. "Oh, isn't it very noble and righteous of Axel Ronan Trent. What prompted the change in behavior? Maybe your fucking fiancé?" He stiffened. "Oh, yeah. I know what you were up to that evening."

I don't know where the emotions were coming from but I couldn't stop the tears from streaming down my face .

Impassively, he stared at me. "I wish I had listened to papa when he warned me about you. You are everything he said you'd be. I was a fool to give my love. You don't deserve any of it."

My lips quivered. "I have no one left now. I expected to be driven to my family, the only one's left but you brought me here." I wiped my face and scooted to the corner of the jacuzzi.

"You have just used me, Axel. Emotionally and physically. It's just too much now. I am overwhelmed with this grief that my head can't even comprehend what's happening. I feel like I am trapped in a nightmare and I want it to end. I want my life back."

I was so out of touch with my thoughts that I hadn't realized the mental agony I was going through.

I stood up on shaky legs, attempting to step out, but Axel grabbed my thigh, restricting me from going anywhere.

"Look at me." I was well aware that my face was a sobbing mess and that I was head to toe naked, towering over Axel who was in direct view of my womanhood. If it didn't get any worse from here.

He grasped my thigh in a firm grip. "Toots, let me see your eyes." I was feeling incredibly rebellious. I pushed his hand away which wasn't easy, I had to scratch him to let me go.

He must think I was his possession, I thought to
myself. It was miserable to think that I would be anything more than a piece of property to him. It was misogynistic.

I slipped inside the robe and began walking outside the pool area. I heard the splashes of water and knew that he would be following me.

"Go away, Axel. I don't want to be fucked by you. I can find someone better to do the job."

In a flash, I grabbed and pushed against the nearest wall with a firm hand on my neck. The robe had opened slightly to reveal my taut nipple to him.

"I'll beat that fucker to bloody plup before he can even think of putting his hands on you." He growled, livid rage glittered in my eyes.

"You live in delusion to think I'll let you anywhere near me again. The offer had a limited period and you blew it. Now get off of me."

"I was trying to actually be considerate and kind, toots. I didn't want you to want me just because you want to forget your emotions. I want you to want, crave me like I fucking do. It's always been love between us. Even when I was thirteen, I was in love with you. I badly wanted you to love me back."

Possessive Rich BullyWhere stories live. Discover now