Chapter 13 (Pt. 1)

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Playlist - My tears ricochet by Taylor Swift


My heart was numb and unmoving, I didn't want it to shatter into pieces. It was a spur-of-a-moment decision to make an impromptu trip back home. I had intended to gate crash to the ball which was held in one of the luxurious hotels owned by Axel's family.

Everything went down the drain when grandma called me, frantic. The phone that I had clutched tightly fell from my hands and I lost the ability to breathe properly. I was glad that I was sitting down, because I am not sure if my legs were strong enough to keep me standing.

Winter alarmed, shook my shoulders, demanding that I speak. I just couldn't anymore. And after that everything went as blur. The only time I felt painfully alive was when I saw grandma inconsolable next to grandpa' dead body.

As if the realization had finally set in, I wailed. Uncontrollably and uncaring of how insane I appeared. My heart was too heavy and restless. I don't know long I cried or what happened after that.

My state of mind was not in my control. Sheer rage jolted in my bones. Why, why would this happen to me? Grandpa was the only father figure I had known my entire life and now he was no more. How could I stay in a world without him?

An overwhelming sense of guilt incapacitated my ability to think. It was all happening so fast. I had spent the end of his days away digging through dirt and whatnot. It crucified me to think how alone he might've felt when I hung on our last phone call. I was too caught in my own misery to care about him and I don't know if I could be the same anymore.

I buried my head in my grandma's neck. It was the only comfort I could feel in that moment. I stilled when grandma became increasingly cold. "Mama, mama, snap out of it." I shook her slightly a couple of time but she remained still.

I looked at Winter, "She's not moving, winny." My lips quivered. "She's not moving. Make her move."

Winter came by side to check on grandma's pulse. "Her pulse rate is dropping. She must've gone in a shock."

I scrambled to dial 911 to get help. But as the minutes ticked by and alarming, gut wrenching feeling assaulted me. It was thickly laced with an impending storm.

I knew I would never be the same anymore. Both of my grandparents had left me alone. I was on my own.


It was astounding how a turn in events can alter your entire life. It changed everything I thought I knew. It was night of the debutante ball when my mother received the news of the death of our staff.

Astoria's grandparents.

I didn't want to waste in order to get them help, but I knew my dad wouldn't allow it so I sought Ace for help. He was a charming manipulator and could easily get my dad to do whatever he wanted and no sooner, the party was regrettably cancelled and I was straight to rush to their cottage.

I barged in to find an inconsolable Astoria holding onto her grandma's frail body. She wasn't aware of anything going on around. She didn't realize when I pulled her body in hold and she sobbed. She was oblivious when her grandparents were taken by medics. It was just happened and I couldn't do anything to ease her pain.

My own eyes numbed at the unfolding of events. The trick that the universe had played on her was downright cruel and terrifying. She had no one left with her. From the things she had divulged about her parents, her mom was dead and her father was as good as dead.

She was completely devastated and needed someone to be by her side. She cried in the graveyard on the day of the funeral. She couldn't let go of them. Even after the burial ceremony, despite Winter's protest and her Uncle and Aunt's request' she wouldn't leave their tombstones.

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