Chapter 9 (Pt.2)

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Playlist - Blinded Lights by The Weeknd


Axel ran his fingers over the skin of my thigh, drawing patterns. He was trying to divert my attention from the task at hand. I was doing the tedious task of sewing my torn cardigan and it was taking a lot of time.

I sighed, and gave him a scathing look. Leave me be.

He flashed me a cheesy grin, I went back to the needlework. He wouldn't stop any cost, he was going to bother me each second that I spent on my cardigan. Too bad for him, I was leaving my cottage without this cardigan.

Axel hated being ignored, especially when I ignored him. His callous fingers moved to fidget with my braided hair. He played with the loose tendrils before leaning closer to me, his mouth directly behind my ear.

He breathed on skin, tantalizing goosebumps erupted over my skin. God, he was playing unfair.

"Axel, the more time we waste, the late we are going to be," I told him, hoping he would stop messing with my feelings. He pressed a sloppy kiss to my ear, and finally backed away.

"I don't get why you need to wear that decade old cardigan everywhere." Axel slumped down on my bed, lying on his side, facing me, elbow propped up with his hand supporting his head.

I stared at him, stonily, completely dismaying the electric jolts that ran through me. "I like the color of it." It was the same color as your eyes, I told myself.

"I'll buy you a new one, a better one with the same color."

"I'll pass on it."

He rolled his eyes. "May I ask why?"

"No," I replied, sweetly.

"You're one frustrating woman."

My mouth pressed into a hard line. "Fine. Take someone who won't frustrate you to the movies. I have important work to do anyway."

"Oh, God." I heard him mumble under his breath.

I stood and packed my sew kit when a strong hand closed around my frantically moving hands, stopping me.

The hard cut of his jaw nuzzled my neck before bringing my hand to mouth, he kissed my knuckles repeatedly. His other hand curled around my hip bone, squeezing it.

"You know I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. Don't get mad at the littlest things possible." His mouth grazed the skin of my face, he gently held my chin, tilted it sideways to meet his ocean eyes.

Despite having five foot, six inches on me, Axel still managed to tower over me, dominating me with his six foot, two inches in length. He was tall, massive, his structurally built physique flourished even more now.

I averted meeting his eyes, I knew they would undo me.

"Toots, look at me."

I know what the thoughts that must've gridded his head. I have become incredibly sensitive these days. I got mad more often than before. I know he must think what a goddamn waste of time I am to him. But the shift in mood wasn't caused by what he said, no, it was because of my impending departure.

Axe still had no idea of it. I intended to keep it that way. I know he won't let me out his sight if I gave him the tiniest bit of indication of my situation. I didn't want it to happen. As much as I was dreading the inevitable, it wrecked me to leave Axel.

We were on borrowed time, I should spend every second with him. Why do you ruin everything for yourself? I chide myself.

He turned me to his front. A hand firmly clasped my chin. I finally gave into his demands and met his eyes.

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