Chapter 14

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warning ⚠️ mature content ahead.

Playlist - Get On Your Knees by Nicki Minaj ft. Ariana Grande


I was spiraling.

Not only was I overwhelmed with grief, but now my new circumstances overwhelmed me beyond repair. I had agreed to Axel's proposition of fucking each other out our systems. I couldn't deny the sexual tension between us and all those reactions he elicited from me.

I wasn't sure why my body responded to him every time. My actions and words weren't in cohesion. It was all because of him. My feelings for him were a different story altogether. I had not made sense of it yet. The only thing I knew was that love was not lost.

Could I really do this? Use him for two weeks and then go on my way. Was I even strong enough for it?

The sensible thoughts were discarded aside when our eyes locked with each. His striking blue gemstone held mine in a vex and lead me towards my own ruination.

I forgotten to breathe until we were inside in what I presumed was his room. My heart churned with anticipation. I can put a stop on this now but I am too fixed to do anything.

"Axel," I said, my throat achy. He chose that time to run his fingers through my hair. "I am scared."

He smiled, genuinely. "I know. It's scary, and you should be because I don't think I will be going easy on you."

"B-But it's my first time. I haven't," I flushed, embarrassment seared me. "It will hurt."

He placed his index finger on my mouth, silencing me. "It will hurt when my cock will tear through your cunt and it makes me sound like an asshole but I will love every minute of it. I am not sorry about it."

His eyes darkened and pinned on me. I may well be screwed in the head because his words made me ache with need for him. His cock.

I hadn't seen him naked before. As far I was aware that he was huge from the occasions when he had made me blow him, but my imagination ended there. I had googled male bodies so his was the only one I would be getting to see. I hadn't seen him completely naked.

He snagged his tshirt over his head in one go and I was faced with his chest. He's muscular, broad and smooth. I don't miss his hard abs that I knew were a result of his rigorous soccer training. I wanted to reach out and touch his abs.

As if reading my mind, he took my hand and placed it on his abs. "You can touch me all you want." His wide smirk told me he was enjoying the effect he had on me.

I bit my lip, and traced the hard lines of his abs. They were gorgeous. So tight. My eyes traveled down to the heart thumping V line of his body. I had noticed it countless times over the years but never had the guts to gawk over it.

But now, it feels like I deserve to gawk over him and his gorgeous body. If he gets to break me in, the least I can do is see my fill of him. The dark trail of his hair went down, disappearing beneath his jeans.

I tore my eyes away from him only to see that he was gloating in triumph.

"You're eye fucking my body, toots. And I even revealed the rest of me yet. Will you salivate at the sight of my ****? It's been too long since he have played with your mouth. Believe me, all I want is to fuck your sweet mouth but that will happen another time. Today is only going to be spent introducing your cunt to its new owner."

"Don't speak so crass."

"That's the least of your worries. First thing first, I need to get rid of this damn dress. It reeks."

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