Chapter 5 (Pt. 3)

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Wallace - seventeen
Winter-Arwen - eighteen
Astoria and Axel - fourteen

Playlist - Ashley by Halsey


I rolled my eyes at the stupid godforsaken charade my family indulged in. A goddamn farce in my eyes. All I wanted to do was to be with Astoria, cause a little trouble around us, be kids in love. Not that I had ever cared for the pretentious crowd ever in my life, it never occurred to me that there could be so much spark outside these walls.

"Lurking in shadows isn't your style." A familiar voice came from behind. "Aren't you supposed to be the life of the party?" I immediately recognised the owner of the voice.

"Who says I am not?"

"Nobody." He came to stand beside me with a drink in his hand. "Yet," he added.

"That's very pessimistic of you, Ares. I assure you I am everything they say."

"Reputation precedes you, they say. That's not the case for you because out of anywhere in the world this is the last place you want to be."

Ares had a keen sense of observing everyone around him and my friend spared no one from his critical opinion. In a way, he was more of an older brother to me.

He knew when to call me out on my shit and there was no such thing as keeping up pretences around him. He was way too good at reading and predicting your next move.

"Let's keep me aside for a moment. Why on earth is a drink in your hand? You're not sixteen and this is not your debutante ball."

"Throwing fancy words, are we now? Thanks for reminding me of the obvious facts. You see, I am merely holding your cousin's drink. The alcohol didn't touch my lips, I swear," he mused.

With a tilt of his lips, he appeared very much like

I shook my head and stared into the crowd. Our family ballroom was decorated from top to bottom in the best thing money can buy. There was not a single piece out of place, only the honorary debutant was missing.

The time read a little over eight o'clock. He was supposed to make a grand appearance minutes ago. I searched to locate the faces of my parents. They had an iron mask up their face, but I knew appearances can be deceiving and the way my father frequently checked his watch told me everything that needed to know.

"The king is still in his chambers, isn't he?" Ares read my thoughts. "Here I am like a fool holding this stupid flute of champagne for him."  Annoyance evident in his tone. He handed the glass to the waitress without acknowledging her.

"This is not looking good," I stated the obvious. "The guests have started with their whispers." I turned to Ares. "I'll go look for him and you stall here."

I righted my custom "T" cufflinks which were a part of my family legacy.

"Don't get yourself into trouble. You're father will bust your balls when he finds you gone."

"If not when," I corrected. "That's why I've asked you to stall over here. I'll be back with Ace."

"Where do you think he is?"

"I have an inclination. Let's hope I am right."

I better not find him traumatising Astoria's poor cousin. I knew that he wanted to get inside the girl's pants, but heck, now wasn't a good time for it. I didn't want him to be anywhere near Astoria's relatives.

He had asked for some special arrangements to be made in the solarium. That was my safest bet to find him. As I neared the sun room, something caught my peripheral vision. I averted my head to find Ace, alone. His face turned towards me.

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