Chapter 1

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Playlist - Levitating by Dua Lipa ft. DaBaby


almost thirteen

I was giddy with excitement bursting from within me and anticipation of finally getting my own bedroom was setting in. I had told myself it was one of the perks of my family's new arrangement. My grandma was successful in securing a live-in maid job for some ridiculously rich people, at least that was what my grandpa had told me.

At first, I was a little upset at what our lives had turned into. We always had too little for ourselves, but it was enough for my family to live our life. We were happy with what little we had, at least I was. My mother was a different case.

She never settled for else, she wanted more from her life. A lot more than what her parents wanted her to have and her reckless attitude had gotten herself pregnant with me by a guy that wanted nothing more than a whore for himself.

Since childhood, my mother had made it clear to me what an asshole my sperm-donor was, at least that was how she dubbed him to be. He was a heartless, filthy rich prick who left at first sign of her pregnancy. He didn't want a whore to be the mother of his child, and in his defence, my mother was a little free in her youth.

Still, she was a human with feelings, abandoned by someone whom she loved so much. How did she retaliate in return? My turning into an whore--or an escort, in her words.

Hayley Emerson retaliated in the most cunning way possible. By turning into an expensive escort, climbing her way up the social ladder and crawling her way to the same elite social circle as my sperm-donor of a father. Being accompanied by his business associates, friends and even coming close to getting a marriage proposal from his own father.

She did that all get a rise out of him, to have him on his knees in front of her. She didn't get what she wanted. My father married a regal woman who matched his social standard right in front of her eyes. Well, that's what you get for accompanying my 'grandfather' to his son's wedding.

I still remember her breakdown vividly. She couldn't handle the pain so she took her life. I was five at that time with no one to help me. I didn't even know she had died from overdose, I thought she was taking one of her long naps.

We were found two days later and by some miracle my grandparents found me before I was handed over to the system.

I love my grandparents, I hate parents. They were selfish, neglectful and honestly terrible people. I don't care much for my sperm-donor, but my mama was no good. She could have done so many things differently, could've made something out of life yet she had fallen prey to love.

I hated male species except my grandfather.

Everything apart, my grandparents were simple, honest people from Texas. They loved me to absolute pieces and I loved them back. We had little, but we were happy until one day, a tornado swept away our livelihood. We lost our cattle, farm and our quaint house.

That resulted in our new arrangement. To become a full time live-in maid for Mrs. Trent. Eva Trent had taken pity to our condition and given my grandparents a fulfilling job. My grandma is to work as the head of her housekeeping staff while grandfather will look after their twelve thousand acres land. He will have help too.

And as a bonus, we will have our own home on their land which would mean I would have my own bedroom and not a makeshift one.

Life was perfect.

"Eva is such a kind lady to let our biscuit attend a private prep school." I heard my grandpa, Callan Emerson, speak. "I never thought something good would come out from this, Paige." He sighed, steering the wheel to the left.

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