Chapter 10 (Pt.2, Side A)

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Playlist -  Snowchild by The Weeknd


My father, Blake Trent, wasn't supposed to attend the senior's dinner. His busy schedule had kept him in the Caribbean this past week. He was a busy man and most of my childhood had gone seeking his approval. With a father like mine, I should be thankful I didn't grow up to be unhinged.

His expectations for me never soared. I was a disappointment to my own father. It did wonders to my self-esteem. Rage was a familiar emotion for me growing up until gentle blue eyes filled with adoration and curiosity calmed me down.

I shook the churning thoughts from my head and glanced down at my Patek Philippe watch for the nth time. I had sent Gabriella to bring Astoria to me, but they were nowhere to be found. I searched the crowd and found Chase missing as well.

My mood was threatening to take a dip, but keeping in mind that my parents were here too, I kept myself contained.

"Baby, let's take our seats." Jenna's trained socialite voice snapped back to reality. Her hand was snaked around my arm, she was beaming from left to right.

I glanced at my father who was chatting with Jenna's dad. Jenna's dad. as everyone knew was an opportunist. His wealth was built on deceiving business partners. He must be proud of Jenna for snagging him a deal with his meal ticket.


Whatever warmness my father had showed was bestowed upon none other than my brilliant cousin, Wallace Knight. He was currently training him to become the next CEO of the Knight Pharmaceuticals.

I scowled at Jenna when she slipped her hand in mine, interlocking our fingers and led me to our assigned table. We were sharing the table with Chase's family. His father had already taken his seat along with his step-mother and step-sister, Mia.

When my eyes landed on Mia, she visibly shifted in her seat. Her blue cocktail dress was uncomfortably wrapped around her curvy body, platinum blonde hair tied into a neat bun.

My lips ticked up, menacingly. She was here acting like an obedient daughter. What a farce. If only their parents knew what was happening behind their backs. It would surely become the most controversial, hot topic for our social circle to gossip about.

I sipped the amber liquid, none of the elders caring about the alcohol. Jenna pulled on my elbow and hissed in my ear. "It's not the right time."

In a completely different scenario, she would be the best candidate to become my wife. Her mother had trained her to become a trophy wife. She knew how to speak, behave, dress, the proper etiquettes, and had the background of a wealthy heiress. But unfortunately, my dick only jumped at the sight of framers overalls, french braid, studious glasses and eyes filled with wonder.

Too bad.

"Where's your son?" My father casually asked Cade Henry the whereabouts of his son. "He's been good?"

Cade Henry chuckled. "My boy has gone to fetch his date. God knows where they are," he answered. "I've got Chase to intern at the office. The young ones need experience."

Blake Trent's well rehearsed facial expression remained neutral when he glanced at me. I had the inclination of what was going on in his head. I ignored the pang I felt and focused on the crowd.

Suddenly, Chase appeared with his date on his arm. His date, my girl.


short update. no worries because I know what needs to be done for the next chapters.
stay tuned.

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