Chapter 29

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Both Robin and Batman tried to eliminate enough of the undead army to justify going back into the destroyed mountain and helping Danny but there were just too many and they never stayed down for long. Even Skulker, who had anti-ecto weaponry, couldn't eliminate the skeletons. Several other ghosts were also fighting alongside the superheroes, and Batman recognized the two kids, Sam and Tucker, shooting at the threat from trees. The Dark Knight made sure to keep his protege in his line of sight at all times, he wanted to grab him as soon as possible and go aid the young Halfa. A spike of worry shot through Batman at the thought of his boy, alone, fighting such a powerful being, especially after his earlier assault on the GIW.

It was about a half an hour of non-stop fighting before all the skeletons crumpled to the ground before fading away. Everyone stopped in shock, the ghosts were the first to recover. A few of them cheered and those who were alive could see many of them crying in happiness. Catching on, Robin and Batman shared a look before sprinting into the mountain.

They arrived to see Danny standing over by a wall, in front of a pile of rocks and debris, frozen with his hand in the air. He was glowing but the aura was quickly dimming before a ring of light erupted at his waist to change him to a little black haired, blue-eyed child. Batman immediately walked towards the kid, walking loud enough that the boy is sure to hear his approach.

"Danny? Danny, I need you to turn around, okay?" But the boy didn't move. He didn't even twitch. He just remained staring at the same spot as if he couldn't hear them. When the oldest Bat was about a yard away, the Halfa suddenly collapsed. Batman wasn't quick enough to keep the boy's head from hitting the ground. Bruce ripped off his cowl and knelt beside Danny, gently tapping his face to get him to focus. Robin was opposite him, grasping at his little brother's wrist and pressing two bare fingers against his pulse. Bruce's ministrations grew more desperate as he heard the stuttering breath coming from the boy grow shallower and blood began leaking once more from the boy's nose. Bruce observed with horror when Danny's choked breathing finally stopped and his blue eyes rolled backwards and his eyelids closed.

"Danny? Danny! Danny. Wake up!" Dick was screaming, his voice going horse and tears falling from his eyes as he shook his baby brother's limp form. Batman removed a glove and gently checked the boy's pulse on his neck. The man felt his eyes sting as he locked gazes with Clark and slowly shook his head. Wonder Woman covered her mouth and Kid Flash let out a pained noise. There was a stifled sob from Sam as she turned to hide her face in Tucker's shoulder, the boy immediately raising an arm around her for comfort but his bespeckled eyes were locked on Danny's body.

"B-bu-but Bruce, he-he ca-can't, he c-ca-an't! No no nononono..." Dick's voice choked off to sobs as he held onto Danny's arm in a bruising grip. Wally placed a gentle hand on his best friend's shoulder but was, for once, silent and serious. Bruce looked at Wally before gesturing to Robin. The young speedster seemed to get it as he gently pried Dick from his brother, but the Boy Wonder refused to let go. It took five minutes to finally pull Dick away from the kid's corpse. Once detached, Bruce gently picked the Halfa up bridal style and turned to head back to the group that was lingering in the back to give the grieving family space. Bruce looked down at the bloody face of his youngest, one hand gently stroking the black hair he could reach. His hand came away bloody but Bruce couldn't bring himself to care. He pulled the child closer and practically crushed the form to his chest, as if he could transfer some of his own life into the small, broken form.

There was a loud silence encompassing the room.

Then the body in the Batman's arms jerked and a strained inhale sounded.

Bruce looked at the boy's face and his eyes met clouded over blue orbs.

Bruce didn't waste anytime sprinting to the still mostly intact zeta tube and transported to the watchtower. He ran to the infirmary and got to work on hooking Danny up to the machines. He could hear the others following him, the first being Robin. The heart monitor was beeping, it was as slow as it was the first time Danny was hooked up to it all those weeks ago, but it was beeping what was a normal rate for the hybrid. His breathing was strained but even and steady. His eyes idly roamed from Bruce to the others, still unfocused but calm.

"B-Bruce, he was-was he..."

"He's fine according to all the scans. I don't know how but all his injuries are healing at an incredible rate. He'll be fine." Robin let out a soft sob and crashed into his mentor, hugging him with all of his strength. Bruce hugged him back.

"Is it over?" Robin asked after a spell.

"I don't know, but I hope so." The man answered softly.


Sorry it's so short, but since the story is almost done the last chapter is just wrapping it up. Let me know what you think and hope you enjoyed!

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