Chapter 13

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Danny screamed as loud as he could. He still wasn't healthy enough to let out his wail, but he still would scream until his voice gave out. Unfortunately for him, he didn't get the chance to destroy his vocal cords just yet as his scream was cut off abruptly by a rough, large hand clamping over his mouth hard enough to bruise. Danny struggled, but the arm that was restraining him by his abdomen held strong. Danny tried to use his powers to escape but in his panic, they didn't work. Eventually, he heard the man holding him let out a grunt and Danny, with renewed strength, started kicking and flailing. Suddenly he felt a sharp pain in the side of his neck.

Then he felt nothing.

The world turned black.


The young boy's eyes opened blearily. The first thing he registered was a familiar cold metal encasing his neck. The second thing he registered was the aching in his muscles from the harsh concrete-like surface he was collapsed on. Finally, the pieces clicking together and he opened his eyes to stare at the ceiling.

The white ceiling.


He lifted a (fractured?) hand to his neck slowly, feeling freezing metal attached to a chain. He didn't know where the chain led, and he didn't care to look. He didn't care about anything other than the whitewhitewhite and the cold metal surrounding his neck.

Finally getting enough energy to look around he saw the harsh white walls. Smooth white walls. Perfectly clean.

'At least they gave me a new room.' Finally, he noticed something off. Something was different about this room. He should know he spent Seven years, 3 months, 1 week, 6 days, 15? hours in the last one.

There was no door.

There used to be a metal door that was always locked on the far side of the room. Danny would, for the first year, pound and scream and try with all his strength and desperation to open the large, intimidating door. That's one of the reasons he got the muzzle.

But now it is gone. Nothing left but smooth walls, smooth ceiling, smooth floor. All perfectly white.

Danny slowly rose from his position on the floor as the effect of the mysterious drug started to seep out of his system. The fuzziness in his head was clearing and the sharp pains started to become more apparent. The boy sighed.

'Guess that's partly my fault for struggling.' He felt the shifting of the collar and turned his attention to the chain, leading back to the wall. He sighed again, and his small frame slumped in defeat.

'Maybe the Batman and Robin will help you. Don't give up.' Danny's eyes watered before he harshly pushed the hopelessness and overwhelming devastation down and hardened his face.

'No. They won't. I'm on my own. When was the last time anyone ever wanted to help me?'


Yes. I know this is an EXTREMELY short chapter, but my original idea would have looked too choppy if it were put into one chapter. Don't worry, I am working on another, or really the rest of this chapter right now and I hope I'll be able to get it up by the end of the day, but I'm sorry in advance if I am unable to do so. 

Hope you enjoyed and let me know what you think.

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