Chapter 27

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There was a long silence after the comm went dead, no one ready to approach the subject. During that time, Danny looked at the blackened floor, his eyes slowly returning back to their normal glowing green in stages, first a dark blue then aqua then green. After approximately five minutes, Batman decided to try and approach the child cautiously.

"Danny?" The boy didn't move so Batman gently and carefully scooped the child into his arms and settled him on his hip, one hand supporting the boy's lightweight and the other on his upper back to press him into his chest. The boy immediately melted, his head thumping onto the Bat's shoulder. His frame was shaking ever so slightly and the man couldn't figure out if it was exhaustion, residual power, or emotion.

"Want to tell me what that was about? What triggered it?" Batman asked the kid quietly. Danny didn't move to acknowledge him, his mind was racing and his body was buzzing, his mind was so hazy that he couldn't fully comprehend his own thoughts. His eyes stared off to the side unblinkingly, anger and fear and confusion creating a toxic mix within himself that he couldn't clam down even if he tried. This isn't even the end, he doubted that he completely wiped out the GIW and on top of that there was the very imminent threat of the ghost king. God, how was he supposed to fight off an ancient all-powerful monarch and his undead army? He didn't know where all that power had come from, so it's not like he could use that against the tyrant.

"Not to break up this very...touching scene, but Pariah Dark is destroying your city as we speak. Luckily, the facility holding the ghost portal was destroyed with the portal inside so his army has been cut off. But we're running out of time, so we need to move." Batman turned his attention to the mechanical ghost with a harsh glare. The Dark Knight transferred the half ghost to his brother, who easily held his small brother in a similar way to the way the elder Bat had. Batman stalked towards the ghost, and an argument similar to the one Robin had broke out.

After a few seconds, Danny felt a chilling sensation crawl up his throat and force it's way out of his mouth is a silet hiccup. Understanding instinctively what that meant, he squirmed in a silent request to be put down. Robin, understanding the boy's intent, complied and set the still shaky boy to the ground, who immediately was on guard. Keen eyes finally focused as they darted around the room, the energy he had thought was completely depleted began its exponential growth before it rushed just underneath his skin, ready to explode at the slightest sign of attack.

Then suddenly, the ceiling exploded in a deafening crash. Danny, the only one prepared for something to happen, immediately allowed some of the power build up to escape in the form of a forcefield that covered everyone in the room.

"What the hell, can't we get a break for just one second?!" Kid Flash screamed from where he was crumpled on the ground. As the dust and debris cleared, a large and intimidating figure appeared. Danny stepped away from the recovering group, towards his opponent, without a second thought. The cocktail of fear and anger became muted as a wave of power and calm encompassed his body and mind It almost felt as if he had complete control of his powers but no control over his actions. He was running of a base instinct that was buried deep within his soul. He held his head up high and his posture was straight and confident for the first time in his life. The ghost king looked down on the Halfa, a smug smirk gracing his ugly face. His body was a good ten times larger than Danny, his neon green fire hair flared brighter.

"Well, you're nothing, aren't you? You're a morsel of pathetic freak, a crumb. You are nothing compared to my immense--" His speech was cut off by a shot of pure ecto-energy. He glared down at the child, who was now alone and without a field around him. The team of heroes were all but dragged out by some of the rebel ghosts to fight off the skeletons that were trying to get to the boy and their king.

"You insolent brat!" The king growled. Danny simply floated up to look Pariah Dark in the eyes.

"You talk too much." Danny uttered before sending a series of half-powered shots directly into the king's face. Said ghost stumbled back a step or two, more in surprise than because of the shots. The king roared in anger and clenched his fist, the ring on his finger blazing brightly and smoking, and swung. His fist connected with the floating boy, sending him flying into the semi-intact wall. The air in his lungs rushed out of his body upon collision and his back and his head immediately erupted in pain. Danny clenched his eyes for a second and regained his breath before he finally allowed the energy that was building in his core to invade his body once more. His eyes became a solid radioactive green again, the wind whipped sharply around him and his opponent, his hair and his torn clothes thrashed as he slowly rose to face the king once again. The king's eyes widened momentarily in surprise at the quick recovery and display of power.

"Va trebui să încercați mai mult decât atât, vultur." (You'll have to try harder than that, vulture)


Sorry it's so short, new chapter coming soon though :)

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