Chapter 10

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Yeah, this isn' t my favorite chapter, but hey, it's kind of cute. I wrote this instead of sleeping. Normally I would read when I can't sleep but the book I'm currently reading is creepy, so I did this instead! Hope you enjoy!


Danny laid on the large bed in the room he had been given staring up at the ceiling. It had been about three weeks since he came here and was currently about two in the morning and Danny hasn't been able to sleep. He huffed and sat up in a jerky motion before grabbing the (considerably thinner compared to the duvet) blanket at the foot of the bed and the smallest pillow the boy could find and dropped them on the floor before jumping off himself, landing quietly. The top of the bed reached his shoulders and was slightly lifted off the ground, so Danny grabbed his supplies and crawled underneath. He crawled to the wall and put the pillow against it curling up and pulling the blanket over him. He fell into a dreamless sleep.


Dick traveled back up the stairs after he was told to go get Danny for food. Bruce had said he was worried that unless someone went to go get him the boy wouldn't know he was allowed to come down and Dick was inclined to share that concern.

Dick softly knocked on the door before slowly opening it. The teen's heart skipped a beat when he opened the door to an empty room. He opened the door fully and stepped inside looking around at every corner. He walked around and opened the closet and bathroom, looking inside. Looking around the room once more, panic growing. Dick went to the window and found it locked, he started walking to the door, ready to call for Bruce but stopped short at the sound of shifting fabric. The teen held very still, waiting for the noise again, and after a minute the sound repeated. Dick walked towards the bed and got on his hands and knees, bending down to look under the furniture. He let out a small huff of laughter when he found a lump of blanket and pillow against the wall. Dick slowly crawled to the lump, reaching his hand out to gently shake the boy awake. The boy shifted grabbing his hand and settling back down. Dick let out another huff of laughter and tried to unlodge his arm, successfully rousing the boy.

The eleven-year old's glowing eyes illuminated his face in green light, he looked confused for a moment before he looked back at the teen shyly. Dick smiled at the boy and the two climbed out from under the bed, sitting on the floor.

"Hey. What were you doing under the bed?" Danny looked down and played with the end of the blanket. He shrugged uncertainty.

"More comfortable." He mumbled. Dick nodded, filing away the information to mention to Bruce later.

"Do you want to go downstairs to get breakfast? Alfred made chocolate chip pancakes." Danny raised his head to face the teen and tilted his head and looked up at him with large green eyes. Dick smiled at the familiar display. The boy looked back down and rubbed his eyes.

"You tired, buddy?" Dick asked. Danny made another shrugging motion. After a minute he apprehensively looked up at Dick seeming as if he wanted to ask something. Dick waited patiently for the boy to ask his question.

Danny went back to playing with the edge of the blanket that was over his shoulders and practically swallowed up his small form, pooling in his lap. He took a breath before speaking, "can I turn human?" He said quietly, pronouncing each word carefully. Dick's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"'Turn human?'" Danny didn't look up when he nodded.

"Yeah, Danny. You can turn human if you want." Dick said although he didn't quite understand what he was agreeing to. He should ask Bruce about that later too.

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