Chapter 24

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Enjoy! Sorry for the wait. Let me know what you think!

"Danny! We've got to go! Bruce is already downstairs!" Dick called up the stairs. He had been waiting for his little brother for the past half hour. He didn't really know what was keeping him so long, not like he had to suit up or anything. Dick pulled the sleeve of his school uniform down as he shifted from foot to foot impatiently.

"Why are you dressed like that?"

Dick let out a scream and fell backwards in an attempt to turn to the abrupt voice from behind him. He glared at Danny who was staring at him with an all-too-innocent look on his face. The boy was in his ghost form and was wearing a sweatshirt and sweatpants, no shoes, and Phil sat nestled in his hair.

"You need to stop doing that."

"It's fun. Why are you dressed like that?" Dick sighed and looked down at his attire.

"I have to go to school. Bruce is going to drop me off before you two go to the Watchtower."

"You're not coming?" Dick stood and brushed off non-existent dirt from his uniform. He grabbed Danny's shoulders and gently turned him, leading him towards the garage.

"No. But I will see you after school. You'll be fine. I promise. The League will be there and then you'll come to the mountain when school is over. Bruce said that there is something they need to do, then they will come and debrief us." Danny nodded and didn't protest the movement, instead simply letting his brother bring him to meet Bruce in the garage.


Danny didn't really like zeta tubes. Or more specifically the ones that brought them to the Watchtower.

It shone a very bright white light, which he hated for many reasons. The reason he seemed to hate the most was the fact that the light was so bright that it blinded him temporarily. It hurted his overly sensitive eyes and left him without his eyesight for approximately 5 minutes and 34 seconds, which was far too long and it overall just scared him.

The zeta tubes to the mountain were the same, though to a less extreme, so he was more okay with them, but he still didn't like them.

When they arrived at the Watchtower, the Halfa reached out and searched for his guardian's hand. After he found it, he gripped it tightly with both hands and tucked himself against the man's leg. This was uncharted territory with people who he didn't know well, and he had every right to be paranoid.

'You keep telling yourself that.'

Danny really hated that stupid voice in his head.

'Aww, don't be like that, sugarplum.'

Danny tightened his grip on the Dark Knight's hand. His lack of sight was hindering the ability to distract himself from his thoughts. He had thought he was doing better. Apparently not.

'I want to kill you.'

'Well, Mama always said dying was a part of life. I sure wish it wasn't.'

Danny could almost start to make out vague shapes.

'Correction. I want to kill Dick for showing us that movie.'

"Is something wrong Danny? Because I think you're going to break my hand if you hold on any tighter."

The half ghost could feel the absence of heat from the side that had been pressed to the Bat's leg as the man knelt in front of him. Danny must have shown some of his panic on his face.

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