Chapter 11

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Hey, I'm back with a longer chapter. Also, there is going to be a long A/N at the end about some updates and things I want you to know. You don't have to read it, but I hope you do.

Hope you enjoy and sorry for any incorrect language, I used google translate. And a reminder I don't own anything DC or Danny Phantom.


Robin led Danny from the zeta portals and into the communal living room where the rest of the team was waiting. Danny scanned the others and stepped a little closer to Robin, he was still not used to the older teens.

M'gann looked over to the entrance and saw Robin with Danny. She smiled at them.

"Hi! Black Canary told us to meet her in the training room when you showed up." She said, standing up. The rest of the teens stood too, some of them looking over to Danny in question but nobody asked. Robin caught the questioning looks and gently pulled Danny to stand in front of him, letting go of his hand and placed his gloved ones on the small shoulders of the Halfa. Danny shifted away from the group in front of him, but couldn't go anywhere because of Robin holding him in place.

"You guys remember Danny," Robin said, motioning to the boy with his chin. The others nodded.

Kaldur stepped forward, "not that we're opposed to him being here, but why is he here? I would have thought he would stay with Batman or at the cave."

Robin briefly glanced down at the boy who was watching Artemis and Wally playfully bicker with wide, curious eyes. He made a move to go over to them but hesitated when he remembered Robin. Robin let go and motioned he was allowed to go. Danny padded over to the two and Robin looked back to Kaldur.

"Batman doesn't want him alone and he had a meeting about Danny's situation, it would have been...problematic to have him present, so he came with me." Aqualad just nodded in acceptance and turned his attention to the rest of the team.

Artemis and Wally were bantering back and forth while Conner and M'gann were off to the side talking. Danny was sitting cross-legged in front of the archer and speedster watching the verbal tennis match between the two teens. Kaldur sighed at their antics and went over to M'gann and Conner. Robin called Danny over to him.

When the boy approached the older teen, Robin smirked.

"Ar trebui să ne ascundem în coridoare." (We should go hide in the rafters.) The teen stated with a mischievous curve to his mouth. Danny's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"De ce?" (Why?)

Dick frowned slightly, "pentru a bate echipa. Duh." (to prank the Team. Duh.)

This time Danny frowned. "Dar doamna verde a spus că trebuie să întâlnim pe cineva numit Canarul Negru." (But the green lady said we have to meet someone called the Black Canary.)

Dick's smirk returned, "Ei bine, amintiți-vă ce spun ei: 'trăiți viața la maxim.'" (Well, remember what they say, 'live life to the fullest.') Danny rolled his eyes.

"What?" The teen asked.

"Asta e brânză. Dacă vrei să spui ceva cliche, cel puțin schimba-l puțin." (That's cheesy. If you're going to say something cliche, at least change it up a bit.) The young boy stated.

"Ei bine, cum altfel ai putea spune asta?" (Well, how else could you say it?)

Danny started ticking his fingers, "viața este pentru cei vii, viața este a ta de a alege, viața are nevoie de un pic de nebunie-" (life is for the living, life is yours to choose, life needs a little bit of madness-)

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