Chapter 20

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Wow, two chapters in one day. And they are long ones too!

I hope you enjoy, and let me know what you think!


Losing control wasn't common for the Bats. Dick, having been taught since he was nine how to master patience and stealth, found losing control easy to avoid. He knew how to keep calm and passive in the face of the worst humanity had to offer, but he wasn't sure how much longer he could keep a straight face. It's been nearly a month since Danny, his little brother, had been taken by the GIW. They had searched every potential place for him, but haven't found anything. His worry only got worse after he had hacked the computers to see the results of the DNA test. Bruce hadn't been happy, but luckily he had understood Dick's desire to know. He had just gotten his baby brother back, and now he lost him again? How fucked up is the world where fate decided to give you back one of the most important things in your life only to laugh in your face and take it back?

Even Batman was struggling.

Dick had noticed the endless all-nighters and the world-weary look on his guardian's face. Alfred had attempted several times to get Bruce to rest, only to fail time and time again, and in one memorable occasion, Bruce had lashed out at the butler only to apologize immediately after. Alfred understood, so did Dick. Bruce was taking this just as hard as Dick was. All of the Bats had grown attached to the tiny Halfa, despite the short time of knowing him (it was nearly impossible to not fall in love with the kid immediately after meeting him.) Bruce and Dick wanted to adopt him, but couldn't while the GIW was still at large.

They didn't know what to do.

Both of them now sat in the Batcave, seeing as they couldn't trust themselves to not harm (mentally, emotionally, or physically) the Leaguers and Young Justice Team. They had been hitting dead end after dead end and hadn't left the computer in days. Dick was hovering over Bruce as he sat in the chair, running possible facility sites. For once they were out of costume, both only in loungewear, solely focused on the computer screen as it slowly loaded data. Both (uncharacteristically) were oblivious to their surroundings.

It's understandable they didn't notice the two ghosts and the halfa appear. They were behind them, after all. They waited for the two to notice on their own. Skulker cleared his throat.

"Hello?" They didn't look up.

Danny sighed, annoyed. (He's had a long ass month and had no patience for this.) The boy stepped to the Bats and hovered over Bruce's other shoulder, peering at the computer. He rested an elbow on his guardian's shoulder and his chin on his palm (all without recognition.) He sat there for a minute before shattering the silence.

"Ce cauti?" (What are you looking for?) Both Bats jumped, and Dick even let out a (manly, definitely manly) squeak. Danny jumped too but stayed in the same spot over Bruce's shoulder. Both of the humans turned to the source of the noise, seeing Danny. They blinked a few times as if clearing their vision before Danny was abruptly pulled from the air over to Bruce and Dick, both gripping him tightly. Danny was in Bruce's lap and Dick was hanging off to the side. They both hugged him before looking over him frantically.

He had a few bruises and scratches, he had a practically healed burn on his face and was slightly pale, but overall was fine. The two didn't seem to be letting go anytime soon and Danny didn't bother trying to get away. Instead, he readjusted so he was actually sitting rather than just collapsed awkwardly. He shifted until his back was against the Dark Knight's chest and he was facing the computer, Bruce allowed the readjustment, moving his arm across Danny's abdomen to secure him. The boy tilted his head at the screen, still curious as to what they were looking for.

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