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summary : dazai is the teacher and chuuya is the student ( dazai=21 chuuya=18)

warning : SMUT!

"good morning class! i will be ur new homeroom teacher , dazai osamu! please call me mr dazai or sensei" a brunette walked into the class of 3-A just as the bell rang , introducing himself. "im kinda new at teaching so please do bear with me"dazai smiled gently at his students.

"why is there a empty seat over there?" dazai pointed to the empty seat at the back of the class next to the window. ( basically the main character seat :)

everyone turned back and started whispering among themselves. "chuuya is late again" "is he really going to skip school again?"

just then, a male casually stepped into class, not caring whether he is late for class or not. he had flowly ginger locks and a cute height. he probably broke the dress code by wearing a choker and super fancy clothes. he had those really etheral blue eyes that shone under the sun brightly.

"may i ask why u are late?" dazai questioned the ginger which stepped in late for class.

the ginger turned back to look at him and
asked "who the fuck are u?" he raised his eyebrow.

"im ur new homeroom teacher, mr dazai osamu." he sounded calm and stern.

"oh okay, wtv" the ginger just strolled towards his seat, ignoring the glances he got from his fellow classmates.

"u havent answered my question"

"do i really have to?" chuuya seem displeased, he didnt like those teachers that proke too much into his business. he didnt like school, school was boring and a waste of time. however, he has to come to school if not his dad would nag and scold him for not attending.

"yes because as ur teacher i have the right to know." dazai walked slowly towards chuuya who stopped to turn around.

"im late because i purposely came late. satisfied?" chuuya sounded rebellious, he didnt give a damn about anything school-related. he then settled down at his seat.

"i need ur name pls"

"why is that so?"

"u have to see me after school for detention"

"are u serious?" chuuya banged both his hands on the table. he was fuming. school was already a waste of his time now this "mr dazai" wants him to stay back after school.

"yes." dazai did not seem to let him have any leeway out of this, he was stern and scary. "now, ur name pls. u are wasting everyone's time"

"chuuya nakahara" chuuya replied as he rolled his eyes in annoyance, he could feel a headache rising up.

"well thank you" dazai then walked back to the front of the class, beginning to teach a new topic for the new year.


'dazai u must breathe. MUST. REMEMBER. TO. BREATHE.' dazai was having a mental breakdown after his first period with his new class. he couldnt stop thinking about the arrogant ginger boy.

"hes so cute omg!! the way he huffed in annoyance AHHHHHH" dazai's gayness was showing. dazai did not intend to give the late student a detention since its still the first day of a new year however, he decided to use this opportunity to get to know the ginger better. (i know he kinda sounds pedo-ish)

dazai was super excited for the afternoon, though he has to act really professional and calm. it would be hard for him to control his happiness.

he knew the ginger or chuuya ( who he thought has a really cute name ) would be really upset about it. he might not even show up for detention. no choice, dazai needs to make sure he turns up.

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