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I know, I know.....I deserve no forgiveness for disappearing for months, so everyone has the right to kill me right now.
But I'm back! And giving you a summer-focused chapter before jumping right into year two.
I'm really grateful to those who kept reading, voting, and asking me to continue with the story.

Pandora had indeed been...grounded. It was nothing extremely harsh as her father had still been proud of her for getting 50 points at once. But he still confiscated her broom for the whole summer.

But what he should have taken into account was that she had a brother who still had a broom. So they would sneak outside and go flying around the valley that surrounded the manor together.

On another note, she found Dobby to be an amazing listener. Her newfound friendship with Harry was kept a secret from her parents for obvious reasons. So when a good percentage of her first year revolved around the boy, she had to omit a lot of things from her stories. That's where Dobby came in, she would tell him all about the golden boy and he would offer her his undivided attention, as he found each and every story highly interesting.

"He really is the best, Dobby. He's brave and kind, but it's so sad how he's not appreciated by his family though." Pandora was currently getting ready to go out for dinner with her parents and was once again telling Dobby stories about the boy who lived.

"His family, Miss?" The elf asked as he placed in front of her several pair of shoes to choose from.

"Yes, he lives with his muggle relatives, he has told me a lot about them, and they're the worst. Didn't even need to talk to them when I saw them at the train station to realize that's true."

Dobby pondered at this, "If Harry Potter would have to face his family or a dark evil being, what would Harry Potter choose?"

"What kind of question is that? Sure, his family might be rude, but it's not like they'll murder him or something." She said raising her eyebrow. "But anyway, I bet he can't wait to go back to Hogwarts. Why would he ever want to stay in a place where no one cares for him?"

"Where no one cares for him....."

"Oh! I need to leave now, father will be mad if I make him wait."
Dobby was.....a bad elf.
The worst house-elf ever! Intercepting and stealing Miss Pandora's letters! How dare he commit such atrocity against his young mistress!

"Bad Dobby! Bad Dobby!" He already had to punish himself twice by closing the oven door on his hands.

He felt even worse by the fact that his young Mistress got into a bad mood when the boy who lived wasn't 'responding to her letters'.

But if it was for the sake of keeping Harry Potter alive, then Dobby had to try doing everything in his power. And paying him a visit would be the next step on his plan, in order to give him a direct warning.
Pandora had to admit that her summer went great for the most part. The family indeed traveled to Germany and the girl enjoyed it a lot. She took a couple of photos from the places they visited, and even though she sent some to Hermione (and got sent some photos from her friend in France in return) she decided against sending any of them to Harry.

That being as he hasn't replied to any of her three previous letters. And after her owl, Alec, came back with its leg empty each time, she could only imagine that Harry had indeed received them, but decided not to answer back.
It honestly broke her heart a little, it made her wonder if they were not as close as she thought they were. What if he didn't like her anymore? What if he, after fighting the lord, had finally decided that he didn't want to be related to the daughter of an alleged dark family?

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