Second year

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September 1st
A busy morning, with rushing people, and a big red train. Nothing out of the ordinary as another year at Hogwarts was set to start.

3rd POV
Pandora was at the station with her parents and the rest of her friends, but her mind was in the clouds as she didn't care about what they were talking about.
A small tap on her shoulder made her come back to reality but couldn't ask what was going on as her father slightly pushed her and her twin to the side, away from the rest.

"Listen to me, you two," Mr. Malfoy started, "I know it should be obvious when I say you should stay safe, away from trouble, and take care of each other, but based on...last year's adventures," he eyed Pandora, "and this year specifically, I cannot stress it enough. Just don't go around finding trouble and stick to Severus. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, father," They said in unison.

"Alright, have a good year, and don't lower your grades. Now go say goodbye to your mother." They did as told, took their trunks, and went to board the train after the first warning whistle was heard. Pandora turned her head just in time to see a bunch of redheads rushing in, apparently a bit late, but noticed that neither the youngest Weasley boy nor Harry was there.

Were they late? Were they already inside the train? Pandora brushed off said thoughts and acted like she didn't care. But the knowing look Draco gave her told her it was not a 'they' but a 'he', she cursed their bond over that.
Halfway through the ride, curiosity got the best of her, and with the excuse of wanting to change into her robes, she left the compartment her brother and friends were in. But really, she wanted to discreetly glance at each compartment on her way to the bathroom.

In one of those compartments, she spotted Hermione reading a book, but what caught the blonde's attention was that she was alone. Pandora gently knocked on the compartment door, making the brunette look at her and wave for her to come in. She looked around before entering and shutting both the door and the blinds in the process.

"Oh Pandora, how have you been? How was your break?" Hermione stood up and hugged her friend tightly, her bushy hair tingling the other's nose.

"I've been good, I feel rested and ready for another year. What about you? Where are the other two?" Hermione's face dropped a little at that.

"Mmm well...I don't know, I haven't seen them. Fred and George helped me with my trunk, but Harry and Ron were nowhere to be seen. Nowhere in the train, for that matter, I checked. I worry they might have missed the train." Hermione said worriedly.

"Oh no, will they have to wait at the station? Go back home until someone sends someone for them? Knowing Harry's family, they probably didn't even wait for him, just in case."

"Harry arrived with the Weasleys. He can go back with them."

"What do you mean?"

"Ron and the twins saved Harry from his uncle's house, in a flying car on top of that. Apparently, they had put bars on his window at some point. Harry stayed with the Weasleys for the rest of the summer afterward. He didn't tell you?"

"No, he hasn't written to me at all." Now that could explain why he didn't reply to her letters, but still, what happened over the summer, and why was he not on the train?
The sorting ceremony started like every year, but as Pandora scanned the hall she noticed that both Harry and Ron were still nowhere to be found and to top it all, her godfather was also not in his usual seat.

As the last of the kids from the first year was sorted (and having a happy Astoria with her by then), Snape quickly entered the hall and approached Professor McGonagall before she could even get to her seat. He whispered something to her, and after both gave Dumbledore a look, they left just as quickly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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