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James pulled up his car. Mal took one last glance at their home before getting in. They were going to Auradon. This was going to be a long drive for sure. Hours passed and they arrived at Castle Beast. Mal expected to be greeted by one of the palace guards or even Luimiere. Mal's heart dropped. They were both greeted by the King of Auradon himself. King Benjamin

" It is a pleasure to finally meet you both " Ben said

" The pleasure is ours " James spoke up " It's not every day you meet a king "

Mal laughed in response

Ben looked at her. She looked quite familiar.

" My name is Ben " Ben looked at her straight in the eye

" Uh Lia... My name is Lia " Mal hesitated

He was already onto her.

James gave her a confused look and age returned the look with one that said ' We will talk later '

Ben gave them a tour around the castle before bringing them to the guest room where they'd be staying. Mal was brought to her room. It was her old room in the castle for whenever she used to stay over during holidays or other events. She felt nostalgic, it was exactly as she had left it.

An hour or so had passed and James knocked at her door.

" Hey " She said answering the door

" Hi " He replied " We need to talk "

Mal nodded " We do "

James sat at the end of her bed

" What's going on? " He asked

Mal hesitated. She decided to come clean not about her past but about her feelings.

" We need to break up "


" Are you sure? " Evie asked

" I'm positive " Ben said " I know it's her "

After the tour, he had called his friends over to talk.

" I need proof " Ben sighed

" I hope you're right, Ben " Evie said " I've missed her so much "

" Me too, Evie " Ben sighed with his head in his hands. He thought back to that dream he had, years ago.

He decided to go for a walk to clear his head. Turns out, James and 'Lia' had the same idea. They were fighting. Ben knew he also recognized James from somewhere too. He was the man who Mal replaced him with in his dream.

He thought her name was Malia. In fact, he was told that was her name but she changed it when he introduced himself. Maybe because it is Mal and she doesn't want him to figure out her true identity.

The closer he got to the pair he realised they were fighting.

James wanted to take this discussion outside. The guest rooms were far too hot or maybe this situation was just stressing him out. Either way, he needed fresh air.

" I can't believe it after everything. Three years, you friend zoned me, then I finally get you go out with me. We date for a year and now you tell me you don't think you love me as more than a friend? Malia, how is that fair? "

" I am not your doll! You need a reality check. People change, feelings change. You do not own me!!! " Mal snapped back at him

" I can't even look at you right now " James yelled " Is it because of him? That stupid king "

Ben stood behind the bushes in his mother's rose garden listening. He was offended. He might be naive and oblivious but stupid was a bit much. Sigh

" Of course not! I was going to tell you before we left but you didn't give me a chance " Mal groaned

James was furious. He was obnoxious and self centered. He didn't care about how Mal felt. He only cared about himself.

James stormed off leaving Mal by herself.

" You're unbelievable " Mal called out

At least now they had broken up. Ben has snuck back inside so she wouldn't spot him. Singing at Ben's party tonight would be really awkward and she didn't even know if James would show up

Ben arrived to his office only to have all his friends standing there waiting for him to return

" Ben you won't believe this " Carlos exclaimed

" What? What happened ? " Ben said taken back by their sudden enthusiasm

" We have proof. We found proof. Lia or Malia or whatever her name is, she is Mal " Jay said

Evie squealed in delight.

" What? When? How? "

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