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I leap from my chair and run down the hallway, grabbing my handbag that has all my papers and things I need for the day. As I run past Charlotte she says

"Good luck Hannah, break a leg"

"Thank you, Love you," I say as I search my bag for reassurance for everything I need. Once I confirm I am fully prepared I leave the house shouting goodbye. I stumble down the stairs down to the ground floor of the apartment block, trying not to fall.

I had planned on walking to the office where the interview's taking place as it's not too far, but now I have to run. So much for a nice stroll down the streets. As I run through busy crowds and through tight spaces a man stops me dead in my tracks. What does he think he's doing?

"What's a pretty girl like you doing running," he says with a smirk on his face

"Excuse me, I am late for an interview," I say trying to get out his grasp, I had never met the man, was he insane?

"Why don't you forget about the interview? We can take a walk," He says trying to drag me out of the crowd into a quiet area where no one is.

"N-no thank you, I can't be late. Now if you'll excuse me," I say squirming about. I finally get out his grasp and sprint in the direction of the tower where my interview is, leaving him behind in the distance.

I run into the building trying to fix my hair and makeup, as the wind and running has done nothing to help. That probably didn't look professional at all. I walk up to the front desk and say

"Hello, my name is Hannah Hart and I'm here for the intern interview with Mr Hiddleston," hoping that I'm not too late or praying at least it got delayed and I'm therefore on time.

"You are rather late Miss Hart, it's down the hall to the left. Good luck - you will need it," She says not looking up at me, but smiling and carrying on typing on her computer.

"Thank you," I say trying to shake what she just said straight to my face. Who even does that?

I speed walk down the hallway trying not to look too strange and knock on the door the receptionist told me to go to. I have butterflies in my stomach and I am out of breath, what if he hates me? I don't know where else to get a job. What if I cant get a job and I'm jobless forever. A voice then interrupts my anxious thinking and says

"Come in!" It's Tom. I recognise his voice. I have watched many interviews of him, like with Jimmy Fallon, he was great on screen and I loved his movies. I just hopes he likes me. As I open the door, he takes a deep breath and says

"Thank you for bringing the coff- oh you're rather late don't you think, Miss Hart?" He looks at me with an unimpressed expression.

"My apologies, Mr Hiddleston," I say now just hoping we can get the interview over and done with.

"Come sit down," He says, still looking rather disgruntled. I walk over to him slowly and sit down on the seat he's pointed to. The office is ravishing. It Is pure modern marble with black leather couches and windows looking out onto amazing gardens, filled with beautiful flowers and fountains. He catches me staring at my surroundings as I admire it,

"It's rather gorgeous isn't it?" He says looking out the window himself.

"What is?" I say snapping out of my daze.

"The Office and the garden,"

"Oh yes, it is. You are very lucky to have such a view Mr Hiddleston, should we get started?" I say trying to break the tension between us. I feel nervous and like I'm going to throw up.

" I know, now being late isn't very professional is it?" Tom says. I thought he was going to be nice but he ends up being disappointingly rude.

"Sorry," I say under my breath.

"That's not really good enough, but let's get on shall we?"

~~~~1 Hour Later~~~~

After the Interview, which in my opinion did go amazing (even though he was a douche I think I did amazing), I step out the office with a smile on my face; I'm positive I will get the job. Tom and I had talked for what seemed like hours about my past work and my college. The results of who gets the job will be published next week. There must've been loads of people willing to be the intern of Mr Hiddleston, I'm not surprised it is an opportunity to be with a celebrity, but I'm there for the money, he isn't worth it.

I walk home in the freezing cold trying not to make eye contact with anyone, I find it awkward. Finally, I make it back to the apartment block and I see Charlotte in the window waiting for me to return, classic Charlotte. I make my way to the apartment and when I finally finish walking up the treacherous stairs, Charlotte flings open the door and says

"How did it go? Did you get the job? Is he kind? mea-," I interrupt Charlotte before she rambles on about absolute nonsense.

"Yes it went good, I don't know if I got the job and he wasn't nice," I say rolling my eyes at her.

"Oh well, at least it went good then"

Charlotte promised me a movie night, so she bought sweet and salty popcorn (our favourite) And also surprised me with buying the one a movie I didn't own. Thor Ragnarok. I am so happy - I love that movie - but I've never had the DVD. I thank Charlotte and walk to my room and fall onto the bed. I never want to get up once I have laid down. I yank off my heels and get changed into my cute Koala pj's. I love these pj's, they are fluffy and soft and overall the best.

I walk down the hallway into the living room that is covered in blankets and popcorn tubs. The movie is just starting and I have never been happier. Simple things can bring me bundles of joy. Charlotte and our movie nights are amazing. Charlotte and I start the movie and eat all the popcorn by only halfway into the movie. We do that every time; luckily we know this and always have backup popcorn.

It is now 3 am and Charlotte is fast asleep, but I'm up. I can't sleep, my head is filled with thoughts about the interview and the gardens and the receptionist; it was one weird experience. What if I don't get the job? is the main thought I get. What will I do? Where will I apply for my next job? I'm not going back to the cafe down the road with Charlotte. They were too strict and probably wouldn't want me anyway.

I decide to just go to bed, in my bed not on the couch with Charlotte. She looks too peaceful to wake up so I'm just going to let her sleep there. I walk down to my room in the pitch black trying to find a light switch. I finally find my bed and flop down and drift off to sleep. I'm exhausted.

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