We meet again - P.t 2

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Tom and I sit down at a different bar to Charlotte and her good friend, the bartender, and we start to talk.

"Thank you, for what you did back there, I really appreciate it," I say trying to make it less awkward, I just want to leave and get this over and done with.

"No worries. I hate men who take advantage of women," He says as he gets handed the drink he ordered, I guess that's one good quality.

"Understandable...I have a question for you," I say nervously, it is a question that has been on my mind all day.

"what is it?" He says not taking his eyes off the drink.

"Why wasn't I picked for the job? I thought it went really well, in my opinion," I say trying to look professional

"Well...there were a lot of people wanting to apply and none of them were late, or unprepared, apart from you," This feels mean and it is even worse when I realise he isn't kidding.

Unprepared? I was late but I was prepared.

"Ok, makes sense I guess," I say trying to get my head around what he just said.

After hours, of him talking about himself and on a few occasions me getting a word in, I decide that I want to go home.

"Let me walk you home, you can't walk alone at this time of night," He says trying to persuade me. Charlotte has already gone. She was tired hours before me. It's nice of him to offer I guess.

"Ok then," I say smiling. I'm starting to see a bit of good in him, not a lot though. We start walking home and talk about Charlotte and my apartment. We make it to the apartment block and I tell him I can walk up alone. I am about to turn and open the door, but Tom stops me.

"Hey...If you're free tomorrow why don't we go for a walk in the park down the road?" He says looking a bit anxious, but with a smile on his face.

"Sure, email me the time. See you tomorrow, Mr Hiddleston," I say in a jokey voice. I decide I am probably drunk, which is probably the reason Tom wanted to walk me home. He has a huge smile on his face as we say our goodbyes and go our separate ways. I take off my heels before going up the stairs, I realise I am drunk after all. I open the door to see Charlotte and the bartender sleeping on the couch with Titanic playing on the screen. Interesting. I pause the movie and walk to my room managing not to wake them up. When I am in my room I rip off my dress and get into my Pj's then fall asleep straight away thinking only about Tom and how he was so different to how I pictured.

~~~The morning~~

Thump.Thump. My head is pounding. Hangover. I can't remember much from what happened last night until it hits me. Tom Hiddleston. I tiptoe to the kitchen thinking Charlotte and her 'Friend' are still asleep. Turns out I am wrong. They are in the kitchen making pancakes and listening to music.

"What the f-" I say before Charlotte like always interrupts me.

"Morning Hannah! This is James the barten-"

"Yes I know it's the bartender from last night," I say trying to find pain killers In the cabinets and draws.

"Nice to meet you, Hannah. We made breakfast, want some?" James says.

"Sure, but let me do this first," I say taking the pain killers.

"How do you not have a hangover Charlotte?" I say whilst holding my head, as it thumps.

"I left quite early and came back here to hang out, also you never told me what happened, why were you and Tom in the hallway?" She says with a smug smile on her face.

" I was assaulted by that man on the ground. The same one that stopped me before my interview," she frowns, it isn't a nice thought - your best friend being assaulted.

"and...Tom?" she says shaking off the thoughts.

"He came to my rescue, he must've seen him grabbing me, so he came and helped," I say thinking back to the moment that it happened.

"Aw that's so cute," She says looking at James with a smile.

"What is?" I say confused. What is she on about?

"You and him, so cute," I almost feel like throwing up - and not from my hangover - I can never picture us together. He could've been my boss and even though he was nice to me, I'm still not too fond of him. I shake the thought out of my head and check my phone. I have an email from Tom.

Dear Hannah,

1 pm sound ok? we could grab some lunch from a cafe around the park?

From Tom x

I smile at the email. Why? I turn around and walk to my room.It is 11:50 am. I slept in a lot due to me going to bed at 3 am and having a hangover. I have just about enough time to get ready.

Dear Tom

sounds perfect, see you then.

From Hannah

After I spend the next hour doing hair, makeup and picking out an outfit, I am more than ready to go. I walk past James and Charlotte on the couch about to watch another movie and say my farewells. They aren't paying any attention to me though, they only have eyes for each other it seems.

I start to make my way down the stairs and out into the blissful cold London air. I take a deep breath in and start to walk down the street towards the park. I look down at my watch and it is 1:07 pm. How am I late? I left on time! I'm running down the street, the cold air flowing between my hair making me shiver. 'Why am I even running for this man?' I think. I finally make it to the park and I sit down on a nearby bench trying to catch my breath when a deep voice from behind says

"Well hello there," I know exactly who it is. Tom. I jump up to greet him instantly.

"Hi Tom," I say with a smile on my face trying to hide the fact I'm completely out of breath and don't really want to be there.

"Glad you could make it. Want to grab lunch?" He offers. I agree and we start to make our way around the edges of the huge London park trying to find the perfect cafe. It's taking us a while because we are both incredibly picky. We find the perfect cafe and order our food, we both get a simple ham sandwich and tea. We start walking around the garden talking about the flowers and the trees. It is actually going quite well, I hadn't realised how nice he is and how much we have in common.

After many laps of the park and many jokes, I decided that its time to go home. It's now 5 pm, but I'm pretty sure I could do this all day long. He is perfect for talking to, he listens and always knows the right thing to say. Maybe I've misjudged him.

"Well thank you so much for my walk, how bout dinner tomorrow?" Tom asks after putting his wrappers in the bin.

"Sounds lovely, how bout you come to my apartment. You can see Charlotte again, "I say, almost cringing. Did I even want him to come over? I did.

"Sounds amazing, also tell Charlotte I say hi,"

"Will do,"

I make my way home and up the stairs, I have been gone for hours. I have mixed feelings about Tom. I didn't like him, in the beginning, he seemed like a douche, but now I have got to know him he seems ok. I actually enjoyed being around him today.

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