First day at work

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It is 11 am and me and Charlotte decide to go shopping and prepare for my new job, Charlotte is beyond happy for me; I have really been in need of a job recently. I remember the note that I found in the morning and show Charlotte, she finds it very cute. I fold the paper in half and put it in a box alongside the rose I had been given by Tom. I decide to text Tom about the note, I say.

Hi Tom, Thank you for the note. I loved it. I'm going to be out all day preparing for the job, can't wait. x

Charlotte and I get dressed in normal clothes instead of our childish pj's and make our way to the shopping centre not too far. We prefer to walk places it's more fun and exciting than sitting in an awkward taxi. The air is biting at my skin, it feels like pins and needles all over. I somewhat enjoy the feeling though.

Charlotte and I make it to the shopping centre after 30 minutes of talking about random people we pass. We both know the exact same thing we need to do first. Food. we grab a bite to eat, it is around lunchtime anyway, and make our way to the outfit section. My aim is to make everyone stare. I pick out an almost knee-length black pencil skirt along with a white blouse and a blazer. It is perfect. Everyone is going to be impressed, I look so professional. I do need to make a good impression this time. Charlotte is bursting with joy she is so happy she gets to help me out with what I'm going to buy and wear. I also pick a black cheap handbag to go with it. I am so excited.

The next day flies past.  Charlotte, James and I just lounge around all day watching movies and making up scenarios of what's going to happen at work. I check my phone and I have a message from Tom.

Hello Hannah, I can't wait either. You start tomorrow so come in around 10 am and meet me in my office where the interview was. See you then x

I always smile at Toms messages.

Beep. Beep. Ugh I can't ignore my alarm I have to get up it is my first day, I think as my hand comes in contact with the alarm. I am nervous as hell, but incredibly happy. I get up and do my makeup just to make me look professional. I put on the outfit that I bought the day before with Charlotte. I look amazing. I grab my handbag and make sure there is everything I need Inside like my wallet and a few pens and papers.

I leave at 9:30 more than enough time to walk to the office and I am not going to be late. I surprisingly arrive on time and speed walk inside to get out of the cold air. I see the receptionist give me a glare, she looks like she wants to kill me. I make my way to Toms office when the receptionist says

"Hey you're not supposed to be here, you didn't get the job, Miss Hart," looking me up and down.

"I was hired for the internship by Mr Hiddleston, "I say looking at the receptionist, then she looks up behind me. What is she staring at now?

"Hannah, Glad you have made it on time for the first day"?I recognise that voice. Tom. I spin around to face him. He seems taller than normal and I have to look up just to meet his eyes looking down on me  rather than the receptionist.

"I hired her she is now working for me," He says smiling at the Receptionist, then at me.

"Follow me, Hannah," He says trying to look professional and boss-like. I nod and trail behind him as he leads me to a room, not too far from his, filled with desks and people busy working. He leads me to a desk and says that this is mine and to settle down and to have a look around and after that to go and visit him. I agree and he leaves me alone with all the other workers.

"So you're the new girl that replaced Lizzie?" a deep voice says.

"I guess? I'm Hannah,"

"Michael," We shake hands and he tells me about what he works for and where everything is. It is nice to have a friend already in this new environment. Michael also introduces me to a few other people namely Kate, Tara and Alexis. Alexis is by far the nicest, she Is all bubbly and happy. I excuse myself and visit Tom.

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