We meet again.

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As I glance at my phone I realise it has been a week since the interview and I should be getting the results back very shortly. I decide to take my mind off it for the day, I am so worried that I am not going to get the job. It's 9 am so I get out of bed, with a bit of help from Charlotte as always, and get ready for the day. I'm going to go on a walk, it seems like a good way to pass time. I walk out of the apartment saying goodbye to Charlotte and I make my way to the park that's a few blocks down the road.

I am cold but I will warm up with a few laps of the magnificent park. I look at the different trees and all the families walking dogs and letting their children play. I have always wished to find the right man and to grow old with him, but they can be so controlling and wreck your life. As I'm sitting on the bench, enjoying the view and thinking about everything that has happened in the past few years, I remember about the interview results.

I look at my phone and notice the time. 'The results must be in by now' I think to myself. I decide I'm going to check my emails when I'm with Charlotte. It seems like a nice thing to do, and plus she is just as nervous and as excited as me. I walk back to the apartment with butterflies in my tummy. I still have the nervous thoughts in my head. I open the door to see Charlotte lounging around on the couch, she doesn't have work today so she came up with the idea to stay home all day.

I walk over and sit down next to her.

"I'm going to open my emails to see if I got the job," I say smiling trying to make it seem I'm not anxious.

"Yay, I hope you get the job it would be so helpful for the bills and you might actually be able to treat yourself a bit," She says with a massive grin spreading across her face, she doesn't seem nervous but I am.

I slowly pull out my phone with my shaky hands and notice I have a message from Mr Hiddleston. At this point I want to throw up. I feel terrible and sick. I look up at Charlotte and we make eye contact, we both have the same worried look on our faces. I slowly press on the email and it reads.

Dear Miss Hart

Thank you so much for applying for the job of my intern. I hope you are having a lovely day. I am writing to inform you that, unfortunately, you did not get the job.

I hope you have a good rest of the day.

Thank you for applying.

Mr T Hiddleston.

I am devastated. So is Charlotte. I feel like crying. All my nervous and anxious thoughts come flooding back to me. Where am I going to go now? Where am I going to get a job?

"oh, Hannah...I'm so sorry, I will help you find a different job...a better one," She says reassuringly. I don't know what to say I can't find the words.

"I...I don't know what to do," I say on the verge of tears.

"How about we go out tonight to the club? It might cheer you up and we can search for a new job tomorrow, I can get off early from my shift," Charlotte says trying to be kind and thoughtful.

"Sure, yes... let's go out tonight," I say making Charlotte look shocked. I need to take my mind off it, I had nothing else to do, plus at least I might not have a B*tch as my boss if I find a different job.

"Really?" She says looking absolutely stunned "well let's start getting ready then!" Charlotte says excitedly.

Charlotte and I started to get ready at 4 pm and finish at 6 pm. We are both wearing short dresses, Her's is Black and she is wearing long leather boots. I am wearing a short red silky dress with lacing at the back, along with 3-inch black heels.

"I feel stunning," I say with a grand smile.

"You look stunning," Charlotte says admiring herself in the full body length mirror.

We make our way to the Kitchen and grab our purses that have our IDs and money. We both know its going to be a fun and long night.

As I strugglingly make it down the apartment stairs in heels I feel the cold breeze against my legs and arms. It is fresh outside and I am ready for the night ahead. Charlotte and I make our way down the street passing by people on their way home from work. We finally make it to the club.

"This is going to be so fun," I say with a massive smirk on my face.

"Yes...Yes, it is" Charlotte replies.

We show our IDs to the bouncer in front of the club doors. The bouncer let us in and as soon as we open the door our ears are filled with loud music. Charlotte sees the bar and instantly starts to walk towards it. I follow, she can't just leave me alone. We make our way to the bar and sit down. The man at the bar is kind and helps us pick our drinks. I've never been to this club before it's nice to have someone so friendly to help us.

"I'm going to the toilet Charlotte, I will be back in a minute," I say to her, she barely takes notice as she is talking to the bartender; They have a lot in common surprisingly. I'm walking to the toilets, but I have never been here before so I have no idea where I'm going and the music is so loud and making everything confusing. All of a sudden I bump into this tall man. I recognise him, but I don't know where from.

Oh My God. It's the man that harassed me on the way to my interview. Once again he grabs me and says

"Hello again, seems like you're lost, aren't you?" Who is this man? He always seems to be smirking whenever he sees me.

"I am perfectly fine, so if you'll excuse me," I say trying to get out his grasp once again. His grip tightens around my arm painfully and he drags me out of the crowded room into an abandoned hallway. I tried getting Charlotte's attention. Or anyone's. I am frightened. Why is he always there?

"So... what's a pretty girl like you doing all alone in this club?" He says holding me against a wall by my arms. I am squirming now, trying to loosen his grip, but nothing is working.

"Let me go!" I scream in his face trying to get out.

"That's not how this works, now is it?" His grip is growing tighter and starting to pierce my skin. I shut my eyes trying to imagine this isn't happening. He starts leaning in towards me. I am shaking by this point I feel like crying and breaking down. Suddenly, His grip loosens and then a loud thud. I slowly open my eyes to see him lying on the floor knocked out. I am petrified. I then turn to see a tall man with very distinctive features rubbing his knuckles.

"You're welcome" Tom Hiddleston says after a few seconds of my admiring him.

"Oh...Yes thank you so much, " I say nervously looking at the man on the ground, out of everyone why did he have to save me? I'm just happy that he did though.

"Did you know that man?" Tom asks still rubbing his knuckles.

"No...Well yes, he has harassed me before on my way to the interview," I say full of anxiety and struggling for words.

"Let me get you a drink to say thank you, "I say trying to thank him as much as possible. I don't know what would've happened without him, even though I hate him it's the least I can do. After a moment of hesitation, he says

"Sure," looking at me in the eyes.

Charlotte bursts into the room a second later.

"Hannah! are you ok? what happen-," I cut her rambling off by saying

"I will tell you later Charlotte, now Mr Hiddleston lets go get a drink shall we?"

"Yes, and nice meeting you Charlotte," He says as we walk out the abandoned hallway leaving Charlotte and the Knocked out man behind. She stands there stunned not knowing what to say.

A/N I am going to try and update the book every day if I can :)

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