settling in

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"Flight 11," The speaker booms around the airport. Charlotte takes a deep breath before hugging me tightly.

"See you in 2 weeks," I smile at her, giving James a quick hug goodbye, as does Tom.

"It's better than 4 months," I reply getting everyone to laugh. I hug Tom's arm as we make our way through security. I look back to see Charlotte waving goodbye, I give her a quick wave before walking outside with Tom towards the waiting aircraft. We board the plane and head towards first-class, Tom has got us amazing seats as a treat for me. We have our own little dorm that has a curtain instead of a door, so it is more private then the other seats. It is small but cosy. We sit down and look out the window as we take off, the view is astonishing, so I take a few pictures of us and the view for my Instagram. After a few minutes of taking in the view, we settle down and watch Guardians of The Galaxy. Vol 1 and Vol 2. 

The journey is long and tiring, but I manage to get a few hours of sleep, as does Tom. We finally land after hours in the air and the stewardess has to wake us as we are both fast asleep. We laugh as we realise we fell asleep whilst the movie was still playing over and over. I make Tom get up and we start to collect our belongings. We exit the plane into the moist air. I snake my arm around Tom and we make our way to the taxi. It feels good to be back, I really enjoyed New York last time we were here. The taxi arrives at the hotel, the same one as we stayed in before. We grab our suitcases and make our way to the room. As soon as we open the door, Chris and Sebastian jump out from behind the door.

"Boo!" They both shout at the exact same time, I jump back hugging Tom in fright as he also wraps his arms around me, it is sweet he is protecting me. I hear laughing as I slowly raise my head from Tom's chest. 

"It's ok Hannah, it's Chris and Seb," Tom whispers laughing at my reaction. I put on a frown jokingly and walk past Chris and Sebastine, pushing them out the way. They both do overdramatic gasps in pain and shock. I laugh then turn back around and give them a massive hug. 

"I missed you guys," I say hugging them, they are like family to me, over those 4 months I really bonded and created the best memories with the cast. At that very moment of having a group hug my phone rings, so I look down to pick up as the boys talk.

"Hello, Hannah speaking," I say into the phone waiting for a reply.

"Hey, Hannah, it's Joe Russo, I would just like to let you know, you got the part for the Avengers movie! Would you like to take the role?" Joe asks, my mouth drops and I stutter to find words

"Yes! Wow, thank you so much, Joe," I say holding my phone, now pacing around the room.

"Ok,  that's great news. You start quite soon, a month from when you return to London from the Premier," Joe says sounding as excited as I am.

"Ok thank you! I can't believe it! What's my character called?" I ask curiously, I haven't been told that information yet.

"'Huntsman' is your Avenger name, you have the powers of manipulating fire and also being a super agent," Joe says. The character sounds awesome, I can't wait to start filming. I hang up after a few minutes of planning. Running over to Tom, I jump into his arms excitedly. He goes along with it, looking slightly bewildered, before pulling me off.

"What happened?" He asks looking into my eyes, a massive grin on my face. I turn to look at all 3 of them.

"You are looking at the new Avenger, Huntsman," I say, giving a little curtsy as they all start to cheer and congratulate me. After a few minutes, we plan to meet up with the cast for dinner the next day to tell them the news and celebrate. Tom and I spend the rest of that day chilling out and getting used to the hotel before going to bed in each other arms, just like every night. 

The next morning, I'm boiling the kettle to make Tom tea, as I am letting him have a lay-in, when I get picked up from behind. I laugh as I get tickled, Tom always finds a way to surprise me. 

"Stop! Stop! Have mercy!" I yell laughing in hysterics at Tom's actions. He finally lets me go and starts to hug me from behind. As Tom hugs me, swaying side to side, I finish making the teas.

"You're in a good mood today," I tease, looking up at Tom into his gorgeous piercing blue eyes, as he looks down into the mine.

"I am, I was thinking last night," He says, looking up out of the window to the left of us. We stay in silence taking in the view for a few seconds.

"What were you thinking about?" I ask turning to face Tom, tea in hand. I hand him his mug as he kisses my forehead.

"You. I am so lucky I met you, look how far we have come," Tom says excitedly. I laugh at him then hold up my tea

"Cheers," I say looking at Tom as he looks down at me.

"Cheers, to us and many more years to come," We clink cups then take a sip, to then both realise it is hotter then we think. We both go to the sink at the same time and spit out the boiling hot liquid out of our mouths. Both of us take a few seconds to get over the pain searing our mouths, before then bursting out laughing.

Knock knock. I hesitate to open the door, after all, we are still in our PJs. I then hear a faint voice coming from outside

"Room service," then a few laughs, Chris, Seb and Anthony really think they can get away with it. I open the door with my eyebrows raised and jokingly say

"Hello, please clean the whole place top to bottom oh and do the dishes and washing," they all laugh and we let them come in.

"You up for tonight still?" Seb asks, greeting Tom.

"Yep, we will see you in the lobby at 6 pm," I confirm, taking my slightly colder tea and sitting down. We spend ages talking about what we are going to do and about the Premier until they leave us to head to the gym. We ask if we can join them and they seem very happy for us to do so. Tom wears loose shorts and a t-shirt, but I wear tight leggings and a small crop top. The outfit really outlines my features. I laugh at myself in the mirror before showing Tom, his mouth drops and he compliments my outfit, whilst I laugh.

We head down to the hotel gym and find Chris, Seb and Anthony. They seem to like my outfit too. Tom and I try so hard not to laugh but fail tremendously. Tom goes to the rowing machine, Seb goes to the weights with Anthony. I go to the treadmill with Chris. 

"Hey, you know how you got the part in the movie? And how we are love interests? Is Tom mad at me?" Chris asks, making me remove my headphones.

"No, he trusts both of us don't worry, plus if I am going to be anyone's love interest its better to be with someone you trust," I say reassuringly, Chris gives me a weak smile before heading to the weights. I walk over to join him as everyone now seems to be doing weights. 

"Hey, Hannah do some squats for us," Anthony says jokingly.

"You wish Anthony," I reply rolling my eyes whilst laughing at him. Then we all start competitions, like who can lift the heaviest, run for longest which I proudly win at. 

"What about who can hold a plank the longest?" Chris says out of breath from running.

"You're only saying that because you are going to win," I tease with a wink.

"Is that so, miss Hannah?" Chris replies, I laugh at him and nudge him in the shoulder, then we begin the competition. I knock Tom out first, who them tickles me out of the game. It is only Chris, Seb and Anthony left. I push Anthony, then Sebastian falls over.  I congratulate Chris teasingly and tell him that I told him so. 

After ages of laughing and doing many competitions, I decide to pull a prank on Tom. I ask Chris and Seb to help and we all agree with the plan. As we hear Tom come out the door and down the hallway, we all jump out with our water bottles and splash Tom in the face. He stands there for a second taking in how he is soaked and us being on the floor laughing our guts out. Tom and I then proceed to return to our room having to clean off before dinner. We prepare for dinner, getting changed and having showers. I still tease Tom about the prank, but that results in getting tickled.

"Love you," Tom whispers letting go of tickeling me.

"24/7," I whisper back, kissing him on the lips, I love this man.

24/7 - Tom HiddlestonWhere stories live. Discover now