Disaster- chapter 10

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I park the car, my head hurting with thoughts. I shake my head and start to run up the stairs. As I try and find the key to the apartment door, my hands shaking, it opens and Charlotte jumps into my arms shocking me. I hug her back, I can feel her tears and sadness. I start to cry only because she is. 

"Hannah thank you so much for coming, come inside," Charlotte whispers whilst still hugging me, then leading me into the apartment where a policeman is stood.

"So you're Hannah? The other owner?" The policeman says looking down at his note pad then back up at me.

"Yes, sir," I say as I look around the house to see everything in a mess. Anything that was on a shelf is now on the floor. If anything was expensive, it is broken or gone. Charlotte is pacing up and down the apartment. I then remember the note Tom left me and the rose he gave me in my room. I run towards my open door and freeze as I lay my eyes upon it. 

Everything is a mess, shelves are empty, glasses are smashed. I can feel my eyes fill up with tears and become heavy. My eyes dart from one part of the room to another, trying to figure out what is missing and broken. I finally see the rose Tom gave me and the box next to it. I feel my heart return to normal and I sigh in relief. It is still there. I pick the rose up and the box and slip them into my bag.

I walk out of my room still in a state of shock as I see the rest of the apartment. Charlotte runs up to me and hugs me tightly again with tears filling her eyes.

"How are we going to pay? What are we going to do? Where am I going to go? The windows are smashed, the lock on the door is broken I don't know what to do Hannah. Help me," Charlotte screams into my shoulder. My eyes puddle with water, I have no idea what to say, think or do. All I can do is hold Charlotte in my arms and comfort each other until we think of a solution. At this moment in time, all I can think about is Charlotte, I am going to do everything I can do to help.

Suddenly, Tom runs into the room. 

"I saw your text, Hannah," Tom says out of breath from running up the stairs to us. I am so happy he came, Charlotte and I need a lot of help that hopefully, he can provide.

"Thank you for coming to Tom, can we talk outside, "I say with tears overflowing my eyes and running onto my cheeks. Tom and I step out of the room where he instantly pulls me into a hug allowing me to bury my head into his chest.

"Tom, I don't know what to do," I stutter trying my best to take deep breaths. He gently wipes away my tears.

"Hannah don't you worry about anything, I will help you with whatever you need, I can pay for the windows and replace all the damaged stuff," Tom says pulling me into another hug and stroking my hair as I try and calm down. I pull away from the hug and whisper.

"Tom, I can't let you pay for everything, that's too much," I feel guilty for making him feel the need to pay for me and Charlotte.

"Hannah, trust me, let me do this, I love you and I can't just let your struggle. Now look me in the eyes," Tom says as he makes me look up into his eyes.

"I love you, Hannah,"

"24/7," I say trying not to cry any more than I already am. Tom and I walk back in and tell Charlotte everything that we talked about outside. Tom tells Charlotte and James they can stay around at his place whilst everything is getting fixed and replaced. It has been a long night, but there are still things to be done. Tom and I drop  Charlotte and James at the house and then make our way to the place we both know we have to go to.

"The sky is beautiful, "I say as I snuggle up to Tom, looking up and seeing the small specks of stars. We are laying on a blanket in the middle of the field, surrounded by wildflowers and grass. I love these simple moments, with Tom, Charlotte and even by myself at times.

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