going home

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It is finally the end of the 4 months of Tom filming the new Avengers movie. I had the best time, meeting everyone, making new friends, pursuing my dreams of hopefully becoming an actor. That was the best 4 months away from home I think I have ever experienced. I have so many more friends that will last a lifetime. Everyone means the world to me and I can't thank them enough for the memories they gave me. We are so happy to be home and finally with Charlotte and James again, who looked after the house whilst we were gone. I am soo happy about seeing Charlotte, I missed her dreadfully. 

Tom and I have to leave In a few weeks anyway to go to the premiere; It isn't a large gap between filming and releasing. We are going to stay in the house and go to work for the next few weeks then make our way back to New York to attend the premiere. I am Tom's date, of course. After settling in back home and catching up with Charlotte and James, I tell them the news about the new Avenger part that I tried out for. 

"Wow! Hannah that's amazing, I hope you get it," Charlotte shouts and gives me a massive hug trying not to spill her champagne. 

"Thanks, Charlotte, I hope I do too," I say cuddling back up to Tom. We talk for what feels like hours, about everything that happened whilst we were gone. From meeting them to our final emotional goodbyes. I had really developed a bond with Scarlett, Chris and Seb. They were the funniest, as well as Anthony. I love them all and they are all so great. I end up dragging Tom to bed as his lazy drunk ass can't. I then fall asleep in his warm, cosy arms. I think about all the best memories as they come flooding back into my head. All the laughs, jokes, crying, dinners; it all. I drift off to sleep with nothing but with a smile and my man beside me.

I get woken up by Tom tickling me awake, laughing his head off before then giving me a cup of tea and whispering.

"Morning precious, you sleep ok?" 

"Yes Thanks, amazingly," I whisper back, giving him a small kiss then pulling away, teasing him. I laugh a bit then take the tea, having a sip, then blowing off the warm steam. It has been 3 days since we arrived back home, and today is our first day back at work. I am so excited to see Alexis and the others. We get ready and make our way to work, hand in hand, talking about our trip still. As soon as we walk in, Alexis runs up to us and hugs me with a massive grin

"Hannah! We have missed you so much, how was your trip?" She blurts out, not letting go of me.

"Alexis! I missed you too, it was amazing I will tell you more at lunch," I squeal, hugging her tightly. Tom goes into his office after greeting some other workers, whilst I spill everything that went down. Everyone is so shocked, then Nellie stands up.

"He is too good for you, have you met the man?" She says, looking me up and down before walking off with a smug face. I burst out laughing, along with the rest of my friends.

"Jealous much?" Alexis whispers under her breath, as we all laugh. Then we get interrupted by Tom walking in

"What's so funny hey? Hannah, I need to talk to you in my office," He leads me to his office, shutting the door behind us.

"So...how's everyone doing now you're back?" Tom says putting his arms around my waist and I rest my arms on his shoulders, gazing into his crystal blue eyes.

"Amazing, I told them everything, they loved it," I say giggling to myself at the thought. Tom looks into my eyes as he brushes my hair out of my face. I gaze into his blue eyes as they stare into mine. After a few silent seconds of holding each other, he leans down and presses his soft lips against mine. I don't hesitate to start kissing him back. We spend a few seconds standing up kissing each other. My mind goes blank and my stomach gets butterflies, then there's a knock at the door. We instantly pull away.

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