Returning to me

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We are official. That night in the garden was so special, I wish I could live it all over again. Charlotte is very happy for me and so is James. When I told Charlotte she could barely keep herself together, she was running around the apartment screaming with joy. That's the Charlotte I know. It has been a week since that night and I truly believe my life can't get any better. Work itself is going amazingly well and in the office with both my new friends and Tom makes it enjoyable too. Every day I wake up and can't wait to see Tom, Alexis and, of course, Charlotte.

I get up and today I and Tom have both been invited onto a show for an interview together. I am beyond happy and excited. I get up as usual and head off to the office, today is a bright colourful day. I grab two teas, one for Tom and one for me. I always get us tea, we both hate coffee with a passion. I now can't go a day without my morning tea with Tom in his office.

I walk into the office with a smile and give a wink to the receptionist who rolls her eyes as she clearly despises my guts. I love to mess with her in the morning, I'm sure she likes me really. I walk into Toms office where he awaits me at his desk.

"Morning," I say as I make my way around to him and hand him his tea.

"Moring, you ready for today?" He says taking a sip of his hot fresh tea.

"Nervous, but ready," I am worried that I'm going to mess up and make a fool of myself. I have never been on a show like this before. 

"You are going to be absolutely fine, " Tom says as he gets up, placing his tea on the table and pulling me in for a hug. We sway from side to side.

"Love you,

"24/7," I say, smiling into his shoulder.

"Let's go, I know what will help your nerves," Tom says taking my hand in his and his tea in the over. Tom and I walk out the building into the garden.

"I love this place," I say as I sit on the bench looking at the flowers surrounding the fountain.

"I know you do," He smiles as I lean my head on him and once in a while giving him a kiss. After a while, it is time to go for the interview. Tom and I get in the car and it takes us 30 minutes to get to the location. More than enough time to relax with Tom. The car ride is long and calm. 

The car stops and the door opens to this large building towering over me. I am escorted into this room filled with outfits, desks, makeup and people. I am sat down on to this chair and everyone starts to pick at my hair and apply strange products onto my face. I get lots of instructions, Sit up straight, tilt your head up, close your eyes, face me, look to the right, left, up, down. All I can do is sit there are listening to the people, they seem to know what they are doing. After what feels like hours everyone backs away and leaves me to stare into the mirror; I am gorgeous. My makeup refines my features, my nose, jawline, cheeks everything. I look drop-dead stunning. 

I make my way backstage and I find Tom instantly. He is in a chair with people around him doing his hair, whilst he reads a magazine.

"Ah there you are," his eyes light up when he sees me

"Wow you look amazing, you ready?" Tom says looking me up and down.

"I am very ready Mr Hiddleston," I say whilst smiling at my own comment. Then the doors open and I hear someone say

"Here they are everyone," Tom grabs my hand and we walk through the door, all I can hear are people cheering. 

"Tom and Hannah everyone, please sit," I feel nerves race all around my body. Tom and I start the interview and are asked a few questions just about us and when and how we met, then It gets personal.

"So Hannah, tell us about your growing up, what was it like?" Tom knows what I feel, I don't want to go into detail so I break it down for everyone.

"Sure, Well I grew up in a foster home and never knew my parents. I lived in London and went to school at Richmond high school, I also went to college at 20 and studied art, I never pursued it though," Tom clenches my hand he knows how hard it is for me to tell people about my childhood, but he also looks confused at the fact I did art. Well, now he knows.

"I am sorry about your parents, why don't you draw something for us?" My heart starts to pound I haven't drawn in ages, but I am really excited to show my talent. The interview gets some paper and colours and gives me a topic

"Loki," The interviewer says, I start drawing whilst Tom and the interviewer carry on talking. I have a 10-minute count down, yet I still manage to finish early.

"I am finished," I say turning the paper around to show the audience, It is a realistic picture of Loki. The whole crowd gasps. I know I have talent, but is it really that good? I turn to face Tom and the interviewer and their mouths are wide open staring at the artwork.

"Hannah, it is amazing," Tom says 

"Wow, it really is. You have pure talent there Hannah," I feel really happy and pleased to have been praised for my drawing. I still have it in me after all these years. Even after I gave up.

"Well ladies and gentlemen, looks like we now know a lot about Tom and Hannah, don't we?" The crowd cheers. Tom and I walk out and he kisses me on the head as we go through the door. I feel so small next to him, but I find it comforting as well. 

Tom and I get in the car and head back to his house. I have never been there before, but I am planning on staying there for a bit. We arrive and it is so much bigger than my apartment. It has a pool and 3 floors. My jaw drops.

"Like it huh?" Tom says wrapping his arms around me from behind. I can feel his smile even though his chin is on my head.

"How can I not!," I am so happy I get to live here for a bit. 

"Hannah," Tom says whilst we stand at the front of the house together.


" I have a gift for you in the house, why don't you go search for it," Tom says as he opens the doors to his luxurious house.

"Give me a clue. I will probably get lost in this house!"

"Where did we first meet, that's your clue," Tom says smirking as we enter the house, everything is cosy and wooden instead of modern, but it is still huge. Where did we first meet? The office. 

"An office?" I say shrugging at Tom 

"Why don't you find out," I start downstairs and make my way slowly up from there. I go from room to room admiring everything in the house. It is truly stunning. I finally come across a room that has a desk with a small box on it labelled 'Hannah'. I walk up to it slowly and pick it up. It is a black box with a golden ribbon. I open the box to see a gold bracelet with a small green gem embedded within. I look up to see Tom in the hallway.

"Tom, it's beautiful, it reminds me of Loki," He laughs and starts to walk over to me.

"That was the point darling," he says looking down into my eyes.

"I love you, Tom, I am so happy I went to that interview," I say, I choose him over and over again and he chooses me.

"Well darling, I must say I don't live at all when I'm not with you, so I guess I can say I am also happy you came to that interview" he whispers as he leans down to kiss me, I can feel the tingle going around my face when my phone suddenly starts to ring.

No caller ID, I answer and put it on speaker, I have nothing to hide from Tom anyway.

"Hello? Hannah speaking, who is this?"I  say looking up at Tom as he looks down at me with the same confused look.

"Hi, is this Hannah Hart?" an unfamiliar voice replies

"Yes, who is this?"

"Oh Hannah, It's your parents," My world stops, frozen. My heart pounds and I'm vaguely aware of Tom grabbing my free hand in his - holding it tight. What on Earth is happening?

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