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I slowly open my eyes, beaming bright lights shoot through my eyes, blinding me. I start to move slightly, taking in my surroundings. Everything, everyone is gone. It's white, the floor the walls, they go on for infinity, no end to this pure white room. Alexis appears and I run over to her and hug her tightly.

"Where are we?" I ask confusion in my eyes as I look at her who has tears in her eyes. She leans into my ear and whispers.

"Wake up," and then I get thrown back, all my memories of what happened flood through my mind. Charlotte, Alexis, Cafe. 

I gasp for air throwing my self forward, only to realise I am strapped down. My eyes flood with tears. All I can feel is my head pounding in immense pain. It feels like someone got a hammer and smashed my skull. I open my eyes, once again blinded by beaming lights, till a man leans over blocking it.

"Hey your ok, we are taking you to the hospital," The man says gently, it is either him or me, but I can barely tell what he is saying. All I can see is his mouth moving. Everything is going blurry, the outline of every object is moving side to side. I grab the man and pull myself up, for him to push me down and say

"You can't get up we are almost there," All I do is nod, giving up on doing anything. The pain shoots through me, I am so weak. I close my eyes and lose the sense of everything. 

I gently move my arm, then feel the pain. I open my eyes to realise I am in the hospital, arm wrapped up, bandages on my head and bruises everywhere. At that very moment, Tom bursts into the room eyes filled to the rim with water. He kneels down beside me and holds my non-damaged hand. All I can do is look into his eyes, it brakes my heart to see him like this, but what even happened? I feel my headache and my arm throb. He looks up at me into my eyes and mouths I love you.

" This is all my fault, Hannah, I should've said no to you guys going out," Tom cries as he sits on the floor holding my hand.

"T-Tom, It is ok, I'm fine don't blame yourself, I am not dead," I whisper, struggling to form a sentence. He looks at me, his normal glowing blue eyes have gone a dull grey. I hate to see Tom like this and invite him to sit on the bed. He sits down and instantly hugs me.

"Hey, why don't we watch a movie so I can rest," He nods and turns on the Tv and plays Thor Ragnarok. I laugh at all of his parts, making him cheer up.

"Hannah, I will bring your stuff here later, so you can be comfortable. You shouldn't be here too long, I am not going to leave your side" I nod, giving him a kiss and carry on enjoying the movie. A doctor walks in and says he has something important to tell me. I sit up straight with Tom beside me.

"Charlotte is ok, she was closer to the accident-"

"Wait, what actually happened?" I ask as I still have no idea what even happened

"A car lost control right next to you and went into your table, and the impact was big," The doctor says look downward 

"Charlotte is ok, she will be in longer than you but is healing healthily," The doctor says with a slite smile, my heart relaxes at the thought of Charlotte being safe. Wait at our table? Alexis?! My heart almost explodes as I burst out crying.

"Alexis!" I shout, making the doctor look towards me.

"I am sorry Hannah, She didn't make it, the car went straight into her, she passed before the ambulance could get to her, "My heart drops, my tears flooding out like a flash flood, Everything in my surroundings become blurry, every sound is blurred. I struggle to make out what I am doing. The tears pour out my eyes as I crumble to the ground screaming. I cry and scream until I am drained, Tom kneels next to me pulling me into his chest. All I do is sit there screaming and crying just thinking about how I will feel Alexis's touch every again, no hugs, no goodbye, no laughter, no smile, no jokes, no lunchtime banter, no hanging out, nothing. I feel like I have been punched in the gut, the sadness, the tears, the screams, the memories.  I clench Toms t-shirt and cry and cry until I fall asleep due to the exhaustion.

I wake up with Tom beside me, fast asleep. I watch him for a moment, peaceful. Knock Knock, the doctor comes in, waking up tom. I have dried tears on my face, so I rub my face. Tom rubs his eyes trying to wake up fully.

"You are allowed to visit Charlotte today, Hannah," The doctor says, leaving the room shortly after. 

"At least I can see her, better than nothing," I mumble, still immensely upset.

"Hey, it is ok, let's go visit her," Tom says taking my arm for support as I stumble out of bed. We start to walk to Charlotte's room that the doctor had given us when he visited. I knock on the door and hear Charlotte shout, Come in.

"Char!" I shout trying to be quick to get to hug her. She has a broken leg and bandage on her head and a big scratch down her arm.

"Hannah! I am so happy your ok!" Char shouts back, I scurry over and hug her tightly with my good arm.  

"I don't know what I would have done if-if you um," Her eyes flooding with tears. Charlotte can barely form a sentence. We are both drained. 

"I am so sorry Charlotte, "I whisper clutching her in my arms.

"I love you, Hannah, I thought it would be so nice to have a girls day, it is all my fault," Charlotte says as she cries into my shoulder. I feel the tears form in my eyes.

"It is not your fault Charlotte, now get some rest. I will see you later, I am not supposed to be here for long," I reply to Charlotte. I give a reassuring look before leaving with Tom,  passing James on his way to Charlotte. We briefly say hi but he is rushing to Charlotte, which is understandable. At least she has someone there for here. We make our way back to my room and settle back down. I take a deep breath and say

"Hey Tom, thank you for beginning with me," I give him a small smile as he starts to put on his jacket. 

"Hannah, I need to leave for a bit, I need to talk to people about what is happening and change my plans, but I won't belong. I will grab some stuff as well," Tom mentions as sits beside me admiring me. 



"Love you,"

"24/7" and with that, he is gone after a small kiss of course. I decide to check my social media to see what I have missed. #GetbeterHannah #worldsCutestCoupleForever #TomandHannahForLife. All of these hashtags are by far my favourite. I laugh at a few, then I get a message from Joey Russo. 

Hey, Hannah, we are going to start filming in a month. A good amount of time for you to heal due to not breaking bones. Sending love and prayers. See you soon, sending details soon x

Joey R.

I reply quickly and then decide to call my parents, I feel like I haven't heard from them in ages. I have finally got them back, to then drift away. The phone starts to ring.

"Hey hun, heard you are in hospital, sorry I can't call now or for a few days, I hope you get better soon. I will visit love you, you have my prayers." Then she hangs up before I can even say hi or bye. I slowly place the phone down. Tears start to fall down my face. I sit with my knees up to my head and just cry. I feel so alone, even though everyone is here for me. My phone starts to blow up with messages and calls from the cast. I smile knowing they care. Tom mustve told them. I decide to read through them and send a few replies.

Hey, Hannah, hope you get better soon. Sorry for your loss, sending my prayers x Benedict C

Hey Hannah, Get well soon, love you so much, can't wait to see you in a month. Scarlet x

Just heard what happened, routing for you and Charlotte. Get well soon love. Seb x

Hannah! Just heard what happened, so happy you are doing well, please get rest. Can't wait to see you soon. Love you. Chris x

I smile as I read through all the thoughtful messages. I am so lucky to have everyone caring for me, but all I can think about is Alexis. My best friend, lunch buddy, my angel will watch over me and will never be forgotten.  As I drift off into a daydream of memories I get a call from Tom

"Hey precious, I will see you tomorrow. How are you holding up? everything ok?" Tom asks down the phone, obviously exhausted.

"Hey, I am perfectly fine, get some rest Tom your exhausted,"

"You sure your ok without me, I will gladly come over and stay the night," 

"Tom, I can conquer anything with one hand if I tried, as long as your holding the other," 

24/7 - Tom HiddlestonWhere stories live. Discover now