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Dean's p.o.v

I watched as my little princess play on the swings. "Bubba what's your favorite thing to do?" She asked

"Well I like a lot of things"

"I mean sport"

"Well Gymnastics"

"I like soccer"

I chuckled at her."Bubba what's gymastics?"

"Gymnastics is like what Gabby Douglas dose"


"Yes, its really fun"

She nodded and got off the swings. "Guess when Christmas is Bubba?"


"Next week, Mommy told me that and our tree is huge and there's some presents already under it"


"Yeah, we are goning to go see Santa tomorrow. But I'm scared"


"Because he's Santa what if he thinks I've been bad?"

I chuckled and sat on the grass."Come here"

She walked in my arms and looked at me."Santa dosen't think your a bad girl because you are sweet and nice and full of life, and you want to know what?"


"Your the most nicest girl in the whole world"

She smiled and hugged me,"Thanks Bubba"

I nodded and stood up with her in my arms and walked back inside to see one of the boys in the kitchen. "Eli, are you coming with us to see Santa tomorrow?" She asked

Eli turned around and had a blank face on. "No" He said and turned back to what he was doing

"Why not it's Santa"

"I just don't want to alright"

He grabbed the sandwhich and walked out of the kitchen."What's his problem?" I asked her

"I dunno"

She grabbed my finger and walked into the play room. "Bubba this is Reese and Reese this is Bubba" She said to a little girl with curly hair.

"Nwice too meet you Bubba"She said

"Nice to meet you to Reese"

"You wanna play tea party wifh us?"

I nodded and sat down. "Okay so Bubba you have to hold your cup like this" She instructed

"Like this?" I asked

She bobbed her head, and poured some 'Tea' into our cups.

Dustin's p.o.v

I watched as the girls took a liking to Dean.I wasn't exactly thrilled about the whole let him in the house and play with our kids thing but he was Jessie's father and she did need him in her life. So I understood.

I walked pass the game room when I heard Eli and Valentino speaking."Valentino tell me to my face that you like the idea of that bastard in our house?" Eli said

"Eli, I'm not arguing with you  I don't like the idea he's in the house but you have to understand he is Jessie's father"

"I don't care, I feel like he's bad news and don't want him around her"

"Eli think of it this way, if Mom and Dean where together and we were Dad's kids right Mom would want us to spend time with him because she know's that we need a father in our lives and Jessie deserves to have both of her fathers with her" Valentino said

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