New Life and changes

554 6 2

Okay guys this time to get the 6th chapter I'll need 20 votes


Stephanie's p.o.v

"SO why exactlly did someone have to give you a piggy back ride?"Dustin asked

"Cause you guys dragged me outta my home " I answered

"Just don't fall asleep"

Before he could finish that sentence I was out like a light.

Dustin's p.o.v

"Damn Luke why this girl are you even sure that her brother was John?"I asked

"Yeah we should atleast tell her that she has a brother "He said

"Fine but what are we gonna do after , he's gonna come looking for her"

"Then we've gotta change her like, give her a makeover"

We all stared at him in confusion.

"What the hell Luke?"Nick said

"What,hey if I'm the only one who reads the magazines down the corner then somethings wrong with the rest of you"He answered

We continued walking until we came across the house . Luke opened the door and tried to take Stephanie off my back until she slapped him ,and got off herself.

"How was your nap?"Nick asked

"It was fine until Mr.creeper over there tried to rape me"SHe said pointing to Luke

"Okay let everybody introduce themselves"I said


"I am Luke"

"I'm Ty"

"I'm Jake"

"I'm Nick and this is my brother Dustin"

"And I'm Titan "

Stephanie's p.o.v

I met all the guys and let me tell you they're all hot even Luke but he pisses me off sometimes with the in bed thing.

"And your name is?"Luke asked breaking my thoughts

"Stephanie Lopez"

"I told you that'll be 25 dollars please"Nick said holding out his hand to TY

"What the hell ?"

"Well I told him that your-"

His mouth was covered by Dustin .

"Okay while you guys argue I'm going to sleep"I said laying down on the couch

"What you just got here!"Luke said

"And it's either you let me sleep here or on the floor your pick?"

"It's like 12:00 Am"

"Listen okay it's the summer I'm tiered and I'm gonna sleep whether you like it or not"

"FIne just be careful"

"Why am I gonna be raped?"I joked

"By me "Luke said

"If you dare touch me that arm and peanut thing you got downstairs are gonna be gone"

"Yeah sure"

He walked away as I rolled on to the floor .

Dustin's p.o.v

"Hey  guys come here"I said


"Get over here"


"Okay I've gotta plan "

"WHich is ?"

"On her"I pointed to a sleeping Stephanie


"We're gonna pick her up and put her in Lukes room"

"I'm up for it "Luke,Jake ,and Ty said

"NIck Titan"


SO we made sure she was'nt awake and carried her to Luke's room.We put her on Luke's bed and closed the door as Luke got in bed.


Oh snapp he gonna be in some big a** trouble .

sorry its so short I've got to go to school so I kinda rushed if anything is mispelled srry.

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