The trouble rises again

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Stephanie's p.o.v

"Valentino,Eli,Lily are you out here!"I yelled

I was responded with silence."Guys come on if this is suppose to be funny its not,its time to eat"

I stepped outside and looked around nothing no figures.I turned on the backlight and looked around right when I was about to turn around I saw Lily and Eli come from a bush tears in their eyes.

"Mom!"Eli yelled the same time Lily yelled my name.

"Holy cow you guys scared me wheres Valentino ?"I asked hugging them and looking around for Val

"They took him Ma "Eli sobbed

"Eli who are you talking about?Lily whats he talking about?"

She began crying."We were outside sitting down on the grass and these guys came from the bush and I grabbed Eli and Val and I started running with them they pushed me down and grabbed him I'm sorry,I should've stopped them"She sobbed out

"See Steph I told you they were-Wait why are you crying?"Dustin asked coming outside

I turned around and Eli and I ran to him crying."They-they t-took him Dustin they took Valentino"I cried

"Shh honey what are you talking about??"

"They were outside and someone took Valentino from Lily and what if they hurt him "

I turned around and started to pace muttering incoherent things under my breath."Honey listen we'll get him back don't worry"Dustin said

Unknown p.o.v

"Can I go home please?"The kid asked

"No now shut up"I answered him

"Don't be so mean to the kid I get it he's annoying but we need him"Devon said

I nodded .Damn I could tell I was gonna be so angry this kid just keeps asking the same questions over and over again."Uh Mr. can I ask you a question?"He asked

"What!"I asked

"Can I please go-"I cut him off with a backhand

"No! If you ask this question one more time I will punch you!"I screamed

By now the car had stopped and Devon was starring wide eyed.I looked at the kid and he was crying I didn't want to hit him it just annoyed me I mean how would you feel if you were me?

And be honest if you were in a car with a kid who kept asking one question the same one? Now you get my point.

We had finally reached the house and I turned and looked at the kid only to find him asleep in the back of the van."Dude you know you didn't have to backhand him he was just going to ask a question"Devon spoke

"Devon if you've know from Miranda I kinda don't give a fuck so me hitting the kid just got to me "

He just nodded and walked away. The kid was still in the back knocked out,of course not from me anyway. "Dude you gotta get the kid otherwise I might just throw him"I yelled into the house

Stephanie's p.o.v

It has been about 6 hours since he was gone.My baby,the one I was suppose to protect with my life."Steph we're going to find him I promise"Dustin said kneeling in front of me

"What if they hurt him Dustin?"I whispered

"Then I'll hurt them"

I looked into his eyes Valentino had his eyes,and hair and thats all I needed to think about before I burst into tears."I don't want him hurt I want him safe "I sobbed


Okay so thats the chapter sry i havent been on I had tons of. homework but finally this is my last year then fuck yeah typing

but onto business Skylie hasn't still gone to the doctors claming shes fine.So whatever but you guys kno watt to do.




And listen to music


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